Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Climate Disconnect

There seems to be a disconnect between macro and micro governments’ statements and actions recently.

Governments, Al Gore and David Suzuki all tell us that cars contribute to pollution, greenhouse gases and therefore global warming, which is apparently a bigger threat to the earth than Iranian nuclear missiles. They also say we have too many cars, leading to congestion and therefore we must be taxed in the future for the privilege of using private vehicles. Thus, we need to cut back on private travel, garbage is going to be collected once every 2 weeks, and postal service will be once a day only on weekdays, but not to one’s door. By the way, North American car companies, please take $40 billion to continue to make shoddy second-rate vehicles in an inefficient and costly manner compared to your competitors.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

He is not the Messiah

It seems that most of the world’s population regard B H Obama as a Messiah. Apparently, he is going to redeem the historic sins of others, create new non-polluting energy sources and deliver democracy to all corners of the earth by dint of his great rhetoric. All this, from a man who has never held a job in the real world.

He is not the Messiah, he is a very consummate politician and a very naughty boy.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Umbrella - Rihanna's or Obama's?

Obama’s nuclear umbrella plan is stupid on so many levels. Perhaps, he has been listening to Rihanna’s Umbrella song and he has based his strategic understanding on the lyrics. Any Israeli government going along with it, would also be grossly negligent. Let's look at what America and Israel have to lose.

  • Attack on Israel will not come directly from Iran. Therefore no response will be possible because there will be plausible deniability. Attack will come from a terrorist group handed the weapons surreptiously by Iran, and either Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad (as if there is any other sort of jihad), or a newly named terrorist group will launch it from the borders of Gaza, Lebanon or Judea/Samaria. Therefore, the USA and Israel will be unable to say definitively that Iran attacked, and a response’s rationale would be undermined.
  • Why would the USA attack Iran in any event? The attack is not on them, so why would the US populace open itself to attack?
  • Iran’s leaders do not care about a US response. It is part of their doomsday belief, and they have stated it will bring about the return of the hidden Imam. They don’t care if Iran is destroyed, their first loyalty is to Islam and they wish for a judgment day. A nuclear attack is no threat to them, and the men that die can go off to heaven as martyrs to enjoy their virgins in eternal sexual bliss.
  • In any event, given Islam’s bloody borders, does the free world really want Iran producing nuclear weapons to hand out to their designated terrorists? This gives them a free hand to carry on with the production.

  • Forgoing the sovereign right of a nation to defend itself
  • Israel’s tiny size means it cannot afford to take a nuclear hit and survive in a radioactive landscape
  • Israel would be trusting America to respond when then is no real advantage to the USA. It will be too late to call the USA on a failure to respond, because the damage would already be done.

Monday, December 8, 2008

No handcuffs in Afghanistan

We keep hearing of brave NATO troops murdered in Afghanistan mainly by sneaky IEDs. Strategic reports indicate that NATO is losing ground to the Taliban, is it not time that the handcuffs are taken off our soldiers?

This is a war, and should not be fought as a peacekeeping mission to win hearts and minds. The Taliban brutalizes village after village, and after torture, wipes out those who do not aid them. It is time that the NATO forces show that there is a price to be paid for co-operating with terrorism, and that handing out candies is not an adequate response to sneak attacks. It is time that the defenders of democracy are allowed to go after the support mechanisms of the bullies who base their operations in mosques, schools, hospitals and homes. It may be harsh, but war is a nasty business and cannot be won by being nice.

If NATO is not allowed to fight properly, we will continue to see an attrition of lives lost to booby traps and ambushes, and there is no point in continuing this strategy that cannot win. In that case, withdraw from Afghanistan, and raze from above those areas from which terrorism is formulated, financed and dispatched. NATO has the air power to do it. In the long run, more soldiers and innocents will be saved than the soft approach.