Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Evil of Photo Radar - Smile for the Speed Camera

The pervasive nature of photo radar/speed cameras in British society has had a terribly adverse effect on the quality of life in the UK.

It harms traffic flow, not only in London, but in all provincial cities, and even many villages across the UK. Photo radar has led to constant gridlock and higher pollution levels from crawling traffic, which includes public transport belching out heavy diesel fumes. The UK public transport system is dirty, dangerous and expensive, and in all cities but the central areas of London, it is inconveniently situated. Photo radar also leads to many accidents because drivers slam their brakes on at the last second to avoid breaching the archaic artificially low limits.

There are myriad stories in the UK of people receiving multiple tickets several weeks after the time of the alleged crimes for travelling back and forth on the same stretch of road in good conditions and which they know well. Often the reports involve being a mere 4 mph over the speed limits which are in effect but which were mandated in the 1950s, when cars had less adequate brakes, control, vision and protection than today. These “crimes” have led to immediate bans from driving, and with the tickets being received several weeks after the alleged crimes, the drivers have had no opportunity to adjust their habits to avoid penalty. Increased insurance premiums then go in the pockets of insurance companies for these victimized drivers. It

A large percentage of the police force in the UK have retreated to being bureaucrats sending out paperwork from offices, rather than being out on the streets. Thus, stolen car crime, drink driving and joy riding continue unabated. Never mind all the other crime which cannot be adequately policed.

It is simply wrong to say that speed alone kills. Bad driving kills, and there are campaigns that governments would be better advised to mount, such as teaching drivers to signal before turning, leave a bigger space between moving vehicles and absolutely no alcohol or drugs permitted. A zero tolerance response to ancient speed limits is a cash grab.

Until you have experienced the grind of taking at least 45 minutes to travel 3 miles every day, and the impact it has on all society and terms of lost time, stress and road rage, you cannot begin to realize the decline in lifestyle that accompanies photo radar.

Once again, all drivers and environmentalists should act to prevent the implementation of these pernicious machines.

Monday, December 21, 2009

May Saab rest in pieces. And a warning to Spyker.

Although this blog may not be a formal consumer bashing forum, when the spectre of government ownership of GM first arose, I felt that it had become a politicial issue. GM entered the political arena by its search for direct government funding. So, now I feel free to explain why I hope Saab rests in pieces.

I will be delighted if the manufacturer of the worst car that I have ever owned goes out of business. In fact, the Saab was the worst car that I have ever experienced, whether owning, renting or taking rides from others, and it was also the worst car experience of one of my friends. I say this, even as one who had the misfortune to own a British Leyland monstrosity that a GM built Saab was my worst ever. I have vowed never to buy a GM again and to spread the word. Please note that I have also owned a Talbot Horizon which is equivalent to a Dodge Omni, and the aforementioned Austin Maestro, so it had some unhealthy competition.

The Saab that I owned was shockingly dreadful and things broke simply by people looking at the car. I hope Saab go back to concentrating on fighter planes, although I hope that Sweden never have to rely on them in battle. They will lose. It is a good job that the Saab 900 SE convertible that I unfortunately owned did not have an ejector seat, otherwise I would have used it.

My Saab had all sorts of failures which cost me thousands of dollars just to keep it on the road. The final straw came when it suddenly stopped working altogether, and I had it towed to a GM dealership. After 2 weeks of the dealership promising me everyday it would be ready and was being fixed as we spoke, I called a lovely lady called Heather at GM's HQ. She tried to find out from the dealer what was taking so long but also had no joy. In the end, she reported to me that my car was old because it was nearly 7 years of age and therefore I should replace it with the new model. I said that the car had cost over $60,000 when new, and she was telling me that it will not last 7 years. Heather confirmed that this was correct and I could not expect it to last forever. I replied that I hoped GM go out of business, because I had a 17 year old Toyota MR2 that was running just fine, and which cost me a pittance to keep running. Heather told me "fat chance, we are bigger than Toyota". Hmm, today I think, fat chance indeed, even though Heather is probably having the last laugh as my taxes are keeping her in a job.

As soon as possible after that conversation, I got rid of the GM car in a trade in and I must truly apologize to Mazda at this point. 

Car reporters neglect to tell us when a car is an absolute waste of time and money because of their need for relationships with manufacturers. Well, I am here to tell you now that such terrible cars are primarily made by GM now. Not only Saab, but the whole of GM deserves to be out of business. And their cars are and for that reason alone, I still hope that they ultimately collapse. The Aztec even "out-uglied" the Ford Granada Frog Face, which is a monstrous sight that I never thought I would live to see.
Instead of buying GM and Chrsyler, it would have been cheaper for governments to set up a single new car maufacturer with appropriate union contracts, and a clean slate when designing for the future. $100 Billion would go a good way to this new project. We should save our tax dollars, and not support a company that produces shoddy inferior goods, and one which will just need another handout in a few months.

Good riddance to Saab.
Spyker, don't do it!!!

Abdul Baset Ali al-Megrahi lives long and prospers

When that Libyan terrorist who blew up the PanAm flight over Lockerbie, Abdul Baset Ali al-Megrahi, was released by Scotland on August 20, 2009, was it not because he had less than 3 months to live?

The 270 murdered innocents had no such luxury of dying at home with their loved ones, merely moments of abject terror as they were blown from the sky and fell to earth from five miles high. He is an unrepentant terrorist, who failed to divulge full knowledge of his heinous act in order to protect the Libyan government. To cap it all, the Libyan dictator, Colonel Gadaffi, sent his luxury private jet to pick up this murderer and then threw him a party. Kenny MacAskill should henceforth be known as the Scottish Injustice Secretary.

Well, it is now nearly 4 months on. When is he going to die? Does he have to go back to Scotland now? You just can’t trust terrorists to live up to their promises.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Broken Britain #2

Several stories have defined the demise of Britain in the past week. Two men were jailed for defending their family against masked intruders who had threatened the lives of the family. This was accompanied by the story of a 30 year old single mother of 8 children who refuses to work, because her earnings would only repay the welfare funds she has leached from taxpayers. Meanwhile, she and her brood are housed in a 2.5 million pound mansion. Yet, she is not alone, as similar social welfare abuse occurs throughout the whole country.

We also had further evidence of the crumbling of the morality of the UK. The British judicial system was usurped by terrorist enablers and an arrest warrant was issued versus the erstwhile Foreign Minister of Israel, because Israel finally responded to 8 years of missile attacks on its civilians by a terrorist theocracy, even though, as Colonel Richard Kemp said, no “army has made more efforts to reduce civilian casualties and deaths of innocent people than the IDF … in Gaza”. Meanwhile, wannabe terrorists were caught scouting out locations for attack in London. Obviously, siding with terrorists does not exempt one from their aim, it just demonstrates moral deficiency.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Why Iran should not have nukes

Why shouldn't Iran have nukes seems to be a question being asked by NGOs today? Is nuclear technology not a given right of every society?

Actually, that's not a hard question to answer and I pose a few questions in response.

Why should democratic societies be opposed to a theocratic jihadi supporting tyranny whose leaders ascribe to a doomsday ideology in order to bring about the return of a long dead prophet? Clearly, even with its huge oil reserves, the death loving muftis of Iran that comprise their leaders must only want nukes for peaceful purposes.
Surely, it has never crossed their minds to develop nuclear weapons and stick them on the end of their missiles, or hand them out to terrorist groups for plausible deniability?
By the way, although those missiles are now pointed at Israel, they are going to be pointed at Europe and the USA after the first launches.

The unqualified

I found it amusing that the media continue to throw fits about the qualifications of Sarah Palin whilst she is promoting her book. Well, if she is unqualified, then Obama is even less qualified. His only experience of anything is promoting his political career, and he is in the #1 spot.

The choice of Palin was not to appeal to liberals , or to the media, it was to solidify the support from regular families in middle America for John McCain. Given the Bush factor overshadowing the election, McCain gambled and it failed.

The true farce is that the leader of the free world is a man with no experience of anything other than self promotion, who was lobbied for incessantly by the media. Could the Democrats really not come up with someone better than Jiminy Carter Mark II? Don't they remember how bad the first one was? We are still suffering today from that deluded administration.

Experience and qualifications do give pointers as to the candidates' ultimate actions. But the best indicators are actually their friends and the stated policies. That's what we should vote on.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sorry Saab Partitioners

The EU under Swedish leadership has demanded the partition of Jerusalem into Jewish and Arab zones. On the same basis, perhaps the French and Dutch would like to return Paris and Amsterdam to German control. After all, Germany conquered those entire cities, amongst many others, in the. 1940's. Although Germany did not make either its capital city, they were important to them as symbols of conquest and power. Perhaps half of Washington, DC should be returned to the UK, they even speak similar languages and it would be a nice conciliatory gesture on July 4. Russia may also be interested in some of the more alluring suburbs of the Ukrainian capital, Kiev.

In the same way, Jerusalem has never been designated as a capital of an Arab or Islamic country throughout history. There has been a Jewish connection to Jerusalem extending over 3,000 years, and whenever there was a Jewish state, Jerusalem was its capital city. There are no moral or legal grounds to rip asunder the capital of a democracy in order to achieve a political expediency to help establish what would undoubtably be a totalitarian theocracy. We have been bombarded with the phrase, "Arab East Jerusalem" as justification for this heinous act. However, the reduced Jewish presence in certain neighbourhoods is due only to the ethnic cleansing of Jews in 1948 and the destruction of 68 sysnagogues and their communities by the invading Arab Legion of Jordan.

It was the capital of a Jewish state before Sweden, Great Britain or France were ever conceived of, never mind the recent artificial creations of Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Jordan.

As for Sweden, a country that makes as terrible a car as a Saab, it should not be trusted to be doing anyone any good.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Prayers with Jamie Carragher

Jamie Carrager has been praying for Liverpoo's 2010 season to turn around.

I am afraid that his prayers will be in vain. The Lord is a little busy at the moment dealing with global warming, Iran’s nuclear weapons, X Factor #1 for Xmas, etc. to worry about the lack of footballing prowess on Miseryside. In any event, we all know who the Lord supports and even though He wears a red and white scarf, it is not Liverpoo.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Introducing The Great Appeaser - Mr. Obama

December 1, 2009 will be remembered as a day of celebration for terrorists everywhere. They have won in Afghanistan. As foretold by the conduct and content of Obama’s presidential campaign and tenure, he has surrendered to terrorism and given the Taliban and their ilk a great victory by issuing NATO's surrender. The Great Appeaser has shown that he will even betray defence of his own democracy. He has already back-stabbed the democratic defenders in Honduras, the Czech Republic, Poland, Israel, China, Iran so it was only a matter of time before he crumbled for the US.

It is militarily indefensible to state a retreat date to an enemy, whether a war is over or not. The Taliban will just hold on now until 2011 and promise violence at that time upon any who deal with NATO forces in the intervening period. What a waste of effort in a war that has not been fought as a war, merely a competition for hearts and minds of tribal warlords. The Taliban have given up nothing and they have forced the US and NATO to depart from Afghanistan without waging the real war that needed to be fought. The short term surge is merely to cover the retreat.

The Great Appeaser is competing with Jimmy Carter for the position of being the best friend that terrorists have ever had in the White House.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Zaki - the one type of racist tolerated in football

Amr Zaki stated that he will not sign for Portsmouth FC of the English Premier League because they employ two Israelis - Tal Ben Haim and Avram Grant - as well as an Algerian in the form of Nadir Belhadj. Funnily enough Portsmouth is owned by an Abu Dhabi financier. However, to the point, let’s stop seeking weasel words to absolve Zaki of his hate crime. If it had been any other nationality than Israeli then he would have found no defenders for his slur. The Algerian insult is a side issue based on real actions, which was actually Egyptians attacking the Algerian team. Even before this nastiness, Zaki appeared to be reprehensible egocentric ignorant individual. He is not to be congratulated because he had the courage to spout hate in the same way that one would not admire a Nazi for speaking his “mind”.

If one really wants to look at brutal oppressors why not first go to the Organization of Islamic Countries which has 56 members, and the only one which could be considered remotely democratic is previously secular Turkey. It is not surprising that Zaki is racist coming from a country whose national broadcaster broadcasts the fabricated Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Of the UN, only 46% (88 of 192 countries) are democracies, and in the Middle East, only 1 out of 23 countries…..Israel. No misogynistic, homophobic theocracy prevents Israeli Arabs playing for the national team, or for Arabs to play in the domestic league. Contrast that to Israel having being forced to move from the Asian Football Conference to UEFA (via Oceania) because of hate.

This is not about football. Anyone with an open mind knows what this is truly about, notwithstanding the superficial self-serving distinctions made between Israel, Israelis and Jews. It is about only one hatred being allowed to fester and justified.

Nonetheless, will we see any action against Zaki? Of course not, and even if there surprisingly was, he will simply accuse a minority group of some nefarious plot and be allowed to propagate more hatred whilst being made a martyr in his homeland. Perhaps he would be more comfortable playing in Afghanistan under Taliban rule, although they used the football stadia for another purpose.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Worse to come than 9/11

On today's anniversary, the hypocrite Obama is cozying up to the terrorists' blood brothers, understanding their "root" causes and abandoning democracies in the chase for oil. What a disgraceful hypocrite, and the world is in for a very tough 3.5 years remaining whilst he lets Iran get nukes, then to be doled out to their terrorist puppets. With Obama at the helm of the free world, there are worse 9/11 attacks to come.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How not to run a city Exhibit A - David Miller of Toronto

Local unions that encompassed members who performed garbage collection duties in the City of Toronto engaged in a strike throughout the summer. Parks were used to store garbage in 30C heat and day care centres werepicketed and closed. Direction from the city's managers, acting on the alleged instructions of councillors, permitted the strikers to harass members of the public who travelled to public dumps with their garbage. Police did nothing to enforce the freedom of movement of Canadian citizens, supposedly enshrined in the Charter of Rights. Perhaps, brighter minds than mine can explain the legal basis for a civic employee instructing citizens not to exercise their right to freedom of movement. Maybe, the better minds could also explain why non-union citizens should not pass through a picket line to conduct their own affairs. Undoubtedly, the unions are free to strike, but their freedom should not impinge upon the rights of others to act freely.

The core complaint of the unions was that their members wanted to be able to bank up to 18 days of sick leave per annum until they retire. In other words, they wanted an extra 18 "vacation" days paid for every year that they worked if they had not used these days because they were sick. My initial error was that I thought sick days were to be used for when one is sick and unable to work, however, the fearless and feckless Mayor David Miller worked it all out for everyone before moving on with his anti-car agenda.

Miller was upset that no one congratulated him for "settling" the strike. Miller managed to talk the unions down from demands for a 7.2% raise over 4 years to a mere 6% over 3 years and this less than magnificent achievement is a subject that should henceforth be included in business school studies. He managed to leave the unfunded sick day liability to fester for another administration, and he almost was able to set up an additional new funded sick day entitlement! The timing of Miller’s capitulation on the City’s behalf was just in time to ensure the strikers get overtime pay for working over the weekend of statutory holiday. Pure genius!

There was absolutely no point to the Mayor allowing a strike to go ahead if he was just going to give the unions all that they demanded. Why make the populace suffer for weeks if he was going to give in?

David Miller has been supported in his candidacies for mayor by certain unions ( let's call them CUPE Local 416 and 79 for example), whose members comprise most of the workforce of the city. CUPE employees were even seconded to his campaigns. David Miller and his cohorts “negotiated” with the unions and managed to settle on rises far above inflation, in recessionary times. There would appear to be a conflict of interest here.

The fabulous Mayor David Magnificent Miller refused to contemplate refunding 1/365th of increased property taxes for every day that his unionized support was on strike.

Somewhere, there must be a handbook of how to ruin a city, its finances and traffic flow by overtaxing the populace for niche feel-good schemes whilst producing less services. It has been implemented in cities across Europe, and David Miller should have a chapter devoted to him now.

Miller has now announced that he will not seek re-election. It will be interesting to see if CUPE give him a job.

Miller claimed that nobody won in the strike. Nobody won in the strike…er… except for Local 416 and 79.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Football Economics

I think that it is fabulous news for the UK economy that the Abu Dhabi crew at the City bluesers are spending enormous sums of petrodollars on players transfer fees, and on their wages. For once, instead of seeing our petrol money flooding out of the country to support dictators’ lifestyles, the dictatorships are finally ploughing the money back into the UK via transfer fees, and via the increase in income taxes arising out of the bulging pay packets of moderately skilled footballers. The money flooding back in now is not simply to buy property around Kensington and Chelsea, but actually improves the entertainment value of the country’s game for those oppressed souls living within the UK. I think this is great, and we should encourage this reverse flow with bail-out stimulus for SUV purchases. More petrol purchases = better economy = Premier League retaining some averagely skilled players.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Worstest referee - Rothlisberger vs. Tom Henning Overdo

Although I have sympathy for Chelski and their supporters, apart for the cheats Ballack and Drogba, and Cashley Cole of course, the poor refereeing was not the worst experienced. Time and again that dishonour fell to a Swiss cheat called Kurt Rothlisberger. Even UEFA banned him for life, supposedly only because Rothlisberger suggested to Grasshoppers a colleague could be bribed. However, we know that UEFA would not ban the man who was their top referee for life if there was not much more going on. One rumour was that Rothlisberger offered a bribe to the Spanish referee of a World Cup qualifying match between Switzerland and Norway. Switzerland lost 1-0 in the end.

Rothlisberger was a german speaking referee who in the 1994 World Cup refereed the Fatherland versus Belgium and failed to award a blatant penalty that would have allowed the Belgians to draw, and thence qualify for the next round. This was a ref who made terrible decisions in the Manchester United vs. Galatasary Champions League game and sent off Cantona when he politely inquired if he was a cheat. No mention or protection for the United players in the referee’s or UEFA’s report when the Turkish police assaulted the team after the game. Turkey is not known for its high standing in the transparency and anti-corruption standings of countries’ business dealings. Rothlisberger refereed the 1993 European Cup final between Marseille and Milan. Hmm, Marseille were stripped of the French title and relegated for bribing a referee in the game before the European Cup Final. A game that they won 1-0.

So, for bad refereeing, we really must start a review with Rothlisberger. At the time, we were told he was simply a referee that made bizarre errors, even though it was to the continuing benefit of one team. Now we know better, and he was a cheat. At least Tom Henning Overdo was consistently poor, and that is the magnifying glass through which we should examine the men in black.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Broken Britain #1

Broken Britain is a correct description of life there. However, the reason given by a Professor Ninian Mellamphy living in his ivory tower at the University of Western Ontario is so far off base to be laughable, and simply parrots a post-modern PC idiocy. The argument that the cause of the lost generation of British citizens has arisen due to the loss of an empire that they have never known is simply ludicrous. This is nothing to do with the breakdown. Schools barely teach those Empire years now, and if they do, they mostly do it through the revisionist history of colonialism, and that bringing hygiene, learning and rights to a population was oppressive. Britain had been nearly bankrupted by World War II, but had regrown. There are a large number of reasons as to why the quality of life has dropped. There are extortionate indirect taxes, a non-working health system, violence on the streets, incredible levels of theft, a destroyed social welfare system, and an anti-motor vehicle biased policy that makes travel anywhere unpleasant and expensive.

As examples, there is a two tier health service that has insufficient funds in the public system to do what needs to be done, and challenged spending at every level in the private health sector, because treatment costs eat into the profits of the corporate providers.

The over-riding destruction has come with the breakdown of the social welfare system, which has come about for many reasons. There has been a loss of moral certainty. Prior to Thatcher, strong unions had been wrestling with the government and national interest by seeking support for over-priced and under-performing products (sounds familiar today on a different continent). The unions put their members’ interests above that of coherent society. Thatcher effectively destroyed union power, but Thatcherism also made the individual and their wants paramount, and communal responsibility diminished.

During this time, there was any influx of immigrants that were different from previous waves. They did not share or admire the values of the British people for democracy, or a feel any duty to preserve a civilized Judeo-Christian society. This batch of immigrants did not seek to improve their lives by hard work and study in order to raise their personal standards and contribute to a greater society, nor did they want to become part of the British society generally. This was unlike previous generations that improved their positions without any national welfare support. Rather, the social welfare network, instead of being a net for those unfortunate in society, became a way of life for these later immigrants, which could immediately be accessed upon arrival, whether or not they were entitled to stay. Thatcherism introduced the “me-first” philosophy to the UK, and this was the only value picked up by the new style immigrants. Now demands are overwhelming on public facilities and funding.

Morals began to lapse, such that 14 year old schoolgirls who are unable to achieve any qualifications would deliberately get pregnant because councils provided single mothers with apartments and living expenses from the government. This lack of qualifications was in spite of the government enforcing a drastic “dumbing-down” of national examinations so that anyone could get a certificate provided they could use the correct colour crayon to sign an X for their name. There was no need for these young women to work, because they had everything paid for and the next generation of this group has now emerged with a repeating pattern. It remains politically incorrect to admonish this sector of the population for their choice of life-style. It is immediately deemed racist and politically incorrect to admonish the recent immigrant population for their choice of life-style. And now, thanks to the EU’s open borders, there has been a flood of immigrants, some of whom have chosen to work hard (Polish) and others, who have availed themselves of the welfare state. It is in this environment that a person such as Jade Goody becomes a national hero, and shining example. She made the best of what she could for herself in her short life, but there are a myriad hoping to step into her shoes who are also barely literate or competent to hold a job.

As a result of having to pay for these systems, those citizens that do work have to pay more taxes. On the face of it, the income tax rates appear lower than many parts of North America, however once essential though indirect taxes are factored in, the burden on the cost of living is immense. This is why tourists to the UK complain about the cost of everything, except soccer boots. The government’s grasp for cash has extended to the road systems, with speed cameras everywhere enforcing limits set in the 1950’s and drivers simply receiving bills in the mail for very minor excesses. London has set up a toll centre, yet very little of these funds are re-invested in roads. Instead, many roads have been closed and pedestrianized areas brought to the centre of cities, leading to increased congestion and pollution. The green lobby agitates against the congestion and pollution that they have caused, leading to a vicious cycle in which city councils then close more roads to keep motor vehicles away. This leads to delays in travel, stress and significant expressions of road rage that have even ended in murder. Public transport is generally expensive, has poor coverage and is often dangerous, due to the general level of violence in society.

Crime is endemic, and one is unable to leave anything on display in a car even furry animals without the likelihood of returning to find a broken window. Even a “nice car” will be scratched with keys or coins for the sake of it. Houses are safe-guarded with alarms, double locks and light systems in working, middle and upper class neighbourhoods. There is a sense of entitlement flowing through a great part of the population, such that even if someone else has an asset that they have achieved through hard work, then “I deserve it because they are no better than me”. Thus, respect for others and their possessions has disappeared. In the meantime, the economic meltdown in the UK has exacerbated this feelings.

On top of this, the government’s descents into sleaze and doing anything to stay in power (e.g. the current Labour government and the end of the Tories under John Major), has shown that the ends justify the means.

Britain is broken due to its lack of modern day morality, and the stress placed on a society largely supporting an immigrant culture that does not share its historic values. America and Canada beware

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Charity begins at Hamas

Britain is to provide 20 million pounds and Canada is to provide 4 million dollars of taxpayers’ money to Gaza. Gaza has received more aid per capita than anywhere in the history of humanity, and it has just been tunnelled towards terrorism. Taxpayer donations were announced and made on the very same day that we heard about another Canadian hero being killed whilst defending freedom and every single day, we hear about another NATO soldier being killed or maimed by the spiritual kin of Hamas. Even in the remote chance that these donations will not find its way directly to Hamas, or be siphoned off, it will save Hamas, and their puppet-master Iran, from funding their people’s real needs and so allow additional funding to flow to terrorists in Gaza. The chain reaction is that Iran can send more funds and weaponry to their blood brothers in Afghanistan; those who are killing our boys with sneaky IEDs. What an insult to the memory of our fallen soldiers. Lions led by donkeys, indeed. Give the 20 million pounds and 4 million dollars to the families of the fallen heroes, not to the terrorists and their supporters in Gaza that hold the same aims as the Taliban. Give it to Trooper Brian Good’s family, and don’t spend a cent bringing Khadr to his Canada of convenience.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Don't worry, be happy

In these trying times for those whose retirement plans are in ruins after the markets' crash, and global climate change accelerates, there is some good news. We no longer have to worry about the economy or environment.

The Great Obama, whose middle name is “Appeasement”, is still inviting the ruling theocratic tyrants of Iran to debate global responsibility and democratic reforms. Iran will therefore gain the nuclear weapons they crave with no further hindrance (actually, some reports today are identifying 2 recent earthquakes in Iran as nuclear tests). Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terrorist groups with names that change daily but who all have similar aims, will be the beneficiaries of these weapons, and they will use them. Iran will thus maintain plausible deniability, yet still hopefully (in their eyes) hasten the “return of the Mahdi”. Once the a few warheads have been lobbed at Israel, and Iran has distributed nukes to its terrorist allies for use elsewhere, then retirement and pollution are not going to be major worries for those of us living in democracies. At that time, the economy, healthcare, abortion rights and green programs will pale into insignificance. So, don’t worry about your disappearing retirement, be happy and just enjoy yourself now.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hamas' (Final) Solution

It is simple how the current problems in Gaza can be solved. Hamas can stop its deliberate targeting of Israeli civilians which number over 10,000 missiles in the past 8 years, and more than 500 in the so-called recent truce. Israel will not have to finally respond, and will stop targeting the Hamas terrorists that hide amongst the Arab civilians of Gaza. The UN can assist by not employing Hamas members on its staff and allowing use of UN resources. After that, having seized control of Gaza by violent means, Hamas should concentrate on creating the theocratic state that they claim they yearn for. Hamas are the ones who have a solution, although they are the ones who want a Final Solution.