Friday, June 25, 2010

How to tell if you are a drunk driver and an anti-Semite.

If I am drunk and kill someone, it means that I am drunk driver, even if I believed I was under the legal alcohol limit.

Drinking and driving mean that you are a drunk driver.

There are some people who claim merely to be anti-Zionist and act against Israel based on falsehoods (and some politicians do it to further their political careers by grubbing for votes at the lowest common level e.g. Obama, all the UK parties and the NDP/Liberal parties in Canada). Supporting action against the only Jewish state based on lies, revised history and perverted arguments demonstrates a bias.

Many of these people also claim that they do not have anti-Semitic beliefs.

Anti-Semitic and racist acts mean that you are an anti-Semite.


NDP's perfidy

Canada recently had a perfect example of how the "left-wing" defends its support of fascist, misogynistic, theocratic, terrorist tyrannies.

For those who do not know, Libby Davies is an MP for the riding of Vancouver East in Canada, deputy leader of the extreme left New Democratic Party ("NDP") and the NDP's leader in the House of Commons. She is also an anti-Semite.

The NDP is the sort of party whose primary concern is for the welfare of Taliban terrorists at the hands of the Afghan police rather than for Canadian and NATO soldiers who have been maimed or killed by IEDs laid by the Taliban or Al Queda. The NDP roundly criticize the Canadian Armed Forces for handing over captured terrorists to the governing authorities of Afghanistan.

This is the sort of woman who wanted Israel investigated by the UN when Hamas terrorists used a UN school for cover when firing at Israel, and Israel responded to the source of fire. Not Hamas, nor UNRWA for having terrorist members in their employ or for letting terrorists use their facilities.

Anyhow, given her background, it was not unsurprising that her tongue slipped at an recent anti-Israel rally and in a revision of real history claimed  that the “occupation of Palestine (sic)” began in 1948 and espoused support of a boycott of Israel. Basically, Jews have no rights to their homeland and the 22% that they do currently have from the land promised via the Balfour Declaration and San Remo conference should be handed over to those Arabs who surged into the economically revitalized land from Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and what was TransJordan (the 78% pay-off to the Husseinis). Not enought that the Ottoman Empire had oppressed and attempted to ethnically cleanse the land of Jews for centuries. Anyhow, moving on, the radical haters immediately moved to defend Davies from criticism of her anti-Semitic ignorance.

In many media sources, defenders were given prime spots and accused those who criticized Libby Davies' overt anti-Semitism of racism and an anti-human rights agenda. Talk about the world gone mad, and evil logic applied.

The defence of Davies contained the proto-typical treatment of those who disagree with the self-described left wing. Simply smear anyone else as racist and anti human rights, whilst absolutely avoiding any real consideration of facts and pervert history to create a voodoo narrative of a previously determined hip cause. Meanwhile, support a nihilistic, theocratic and misogynistic tyranny with genocidal desires in their very charter against a democratic nation, Israel, which still supplies thousands of tons of aid weekly to those who voted for their enemy to power and those who aid and abet them in terrorist activity. An enemy that receives more aid per capita than any other society in history.

Of course, Smiling Jack Layton, the leader of the NDP has done nothing of any value. Canada admitted 600,000 Muslims via immigration since 1990, and he wants their votes. Doing the right thing is irrelevant when so many votes are up for grabs.

Well, I have news for these "left wing" fascists; your support for the fascist ideology of the Syrian, Hamas, Iranian and Turkish axis is not progressive (work out your own acronym). I can tell the difference between right and wrong, between good and evil, between tyranny and democracy, between oppressive racism and freedom. I remember history as it happened, not as the NDP hierarchy and their ilk reinvent it. Your  smears are repulsive to all those for whom human rights truly matter.

Monday, June 14, 2010


If you know what a vuvuzela is, then please let me know what is the point of them.

They are ruining the 2010 World Cup coverage with their incessant and irritating buzzing noise. They have nothing to do with African heritage. Is it just to give some commercial incentive to pirate manufacturers?

And, if you don't know what a vuvuzela is, then I envy you.

Abdul Baset Ali al-Megrahi still Living Long and Prospering

Remember Abdul Baset Ali al-Megrahi, the Libyan terrorists freed on compassionate grounds by the Scottish government on August 20 2009 following medical advice that he had terminal prostate cancer and  less than three months to live? The convicted terrorists responsible for 270 deaths? The convicted terrorist given a welcome parade when delivered to Libya's tender care.

Still alive in Libya.

Still can’t trust terrorists to live up to their promises.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Toronto's Pride - Straight Men Against Gay Paedophilia

Toronto's Council has voted to withhold funds from Toronto's Gay pride parade if a hate group called "Queers against Israeli Apartheid" ("QuAIA") is allowed to attend. To its credit, the Pride Parade organisers have withheld inclusion of the reprehensible QuAIA's, although many of the 2010 parade honourees have withdrawn in support of QuAIA's right to proliferate swastikas on Jewish symbols. If one removes anti-Semitism from the equation, then is is incomprehensible that any gay group would support theocracies that actively persecute and murder homosexuals simply for being homosexuals, and especially incomprehensible that they would do so against a democracy with protected gay rights. In response, I have decided to join the parade this year.

I wish to join the Toronto Pride Parade with a float entitled “Straight Men Against Gay Paedophilia”. I am hoping that my float can fill the spot vacated by QuAIA because just as with QuAIAers and those that are supporting the hate group by withdrawing from Pride, my float will only have a tangential relationship to Gay and Lesbian rights.....but it does have “Gay” in its title. My float also has a hateful, offensive and untrue reference which is unfortunately believed by a large number of bigots.

Perhaps those who have chosen to boycott Pride in Toronto can institute a parallel march on the streets of Tehran, Mecca, Damascus or Ramallah with their non-closeted associates from under those regimes. QuAIA’s float will get a very warm welcome in those cities, although much different to the one they would enjoy in Israel. Actually, scrub Tehran, I almost forgot that they cannot have a parade in Tehran because Ahmenijad has informed the world that Iran does not have any homosexuals.