Thursday, May 10, 2012

United Church of Canada reeks of Anti-Semitism

When reviewing the proposed boycott motions of the United Church of Canada (“UCC”), I could not find those boycotts referring to Russia and China. That’s odd because in the rush for social justice by the UCC, they failed to notice that both Russia and China protect the continuing atrocities of the Assad regime in Syria by way of veto at the UN Security Council. Russia continues to supply heavy weaponry to Assad and his minions to enable slaughter of civilians and bombardment of cities, towns and villages. Never mind Russia's provision of material for Iran's nuclear weapon program.

China continues to shield its client state, North Korea, which oppresses Christians and continues to forge ahead with nuclear proliferation in conjunction with Iran. China oppresses Christians of all denominations, and other religious adherents as a matter of government policy.

There was no motion for a boycott of Egyptian products as Christian Copts are subject to everyday oppression and acts of terror. Nor was there any motion to boycott Northern Nigerian products as a response to the recent massacre of 20 Christians attending university church services.

I failed even to notice a trendy “left wing” motion to boycott US products because terrorists are held at Guatanamo Bay. Perhaps Obama could draft one with help from his Christian mentor, Reverend Wright.

But I did see a motion to boycott Israeli goods and any company that deals with Israel. Let’s consider why the UCC should need to attack the tiny sliver of a democracy whose citizens are under constant attack by missile attacks that replaced suicide bombing, that replaced regular bombings and shootings, that replaced hijacking, that replaced invasions, etc., etc. Why would the UCC assault the only place in the Middle East where the freedom of Christians to practise their religion is protected?

The UCC ignored the oppression, acts of terror and crimes against their Christian kin of Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, and their eradication in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Iran. Reeks of anti-Semitism

The UCC targeting a boycott at the only tiny Jewish state, a democracy in a region without another, based on a distorted report at best, and fabrications at its worst, whilst true atrocities are being committed in every other surrounding totalitarian state, smacks of anti-Semitism.

Most importantly, ignoring the oppression and prejudice suffered by Christians in the birthplace of Jesus Christ, Bethlehem now ruled by the Palestinian Authority and the eradication of Christians in Gaza, ruled by Hamas, yet seeking to boycott Israel, smacks of anti-Semitism. 
The UCC doth protest too much that it guards against anti-Semitism. This boycott action absolutely stinks of it.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Tale of Two Leaders

The back pages of my local newspaper provided two articles side by side on Saturday and an easy comparison of the egos, courage and actions of two globally known leaders . Each leader was from a very different, yet democratic, country

Current US President Obama lauded himself because after dithering for months, he finally allowed US Navy Seals to eliminate Osama bin Laden, the butcher of more than 3,000 Americans, and as a targeted killing no less, without the mess of legal process. Obama’s belated decision to allow Seal Team 6 to put themselves in clear and present personal danger was apparently “courageous” because Osama was “hidden” a grenade’s throw from Pakistan’s “West Point”. In his own words, Obama is quoted as saying “I said we would go after Bin Laden if we had a clear shot at him. And I did.” This leads to an interesting train of questionning. Was Obama on the raid to Pakistan in person? Or did he confuse reality with the “video-game-esque” relay to the White House? Is “I” Obama’s favourite letter, pronoun, word or name? Why did Obama name the Presidential dog Bo using his own initials? At what point does allowing others to endanger themselves in pursuit of a mass-murdering terrorist become courageous? It is plain common sense.

On the same page, we saw analysis of the current Prime Minister of Israel, Netanyahu, who actually was a Special Forces soldier. One of the few operations that Netanyahu is known to have taken part in, only because he was wounded, was the release of 90 hostages from a Sabena airplane hijacked by terrorists in 1972. We do not know what other anti-terrorist operations Netanyahu took part in but we do know that this a person who has laid his life on the line in defence of his fellow citizens. Netanyahhu also has an election coming up sometime in the next 18 months and whilst dealing with a clear and present existential threat to his people, yet there is nary a word from Netanyahu about his family’s loss of his elder brother or about the danger to his person whilst he served his country.

When choosing leaders, voters should consider if they want a contortionist who talks the walk whilst patting himself on his back, or one who has walked the walk.