Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Richard Goldstone - Moser Extraordinaire for our Age

What is a "moser"? It is a Richard Goldstone. It is an informer on the Jewish community, but generally understood to be an informer that provided lies to anti-Semitic authorities, thereby providing a basis for oppressive actions, whether these be pogroms, expulsions or unbearable taxes. The blood libels are believed to have originated from such persons.

Now, who is Goldstone? A South African judge looking for advancement at the UN, and even some rumour, that he wants to be the UN's Secretary General in spite of him having some Jewish background. He was appointed as the nominatively Jewish fig leaf by the UN Human Rights Council (there's a contradiction in terms if one looks at the members and their acts) to lead an entirely biased fact finding mission into the Gaza War/Operation Cast Lead in order to reach the pre-determined conclusion that Israel was guilty of war crimes for simply trying to deal with terrorists attacking their civilian population. The mission was made up of people who had openly boasted of their anti-Israel prejudices, at best, even before being named to his mission. Of course, this farce produced the report demanded by the so-called UN Human Rights Council and Israel was, of course, found Israel guilty for acting against a terrorist tyranny that used the UNRWA, civilians, mosques and hospitals as shields. There were some minor murmurings in report against Hamas, although not by name, for their 8 year barrage of Southern Israel civilians. So, on to Goldstone himself, his recent moans and how decent people should react to such a person.

Goldstone provided legal blessing for a modern day blood libel to be propogated to the world. Without going through Goldstone’s wholly unpleasant and immoral report, suffice to say that it relied on a biased research team, biased NGO unsupported allegations and took the word of terrorists, terrorist supporters and terrorist enablers as truth, whilst belittling the victim's testimony and years of suffering under terror attacks. He ensured that the false voices of tyrannical theocracy were heard and given credence, and silenced those of a democracy seeking only to protect its citizens from vacated land that had been turned into a missile launching pad.

I would expect no better from a judge of a true apartheid regime. His actions have ensured that many Jewish families will be sitting shiva in the future. Not only will Israeli soldiers not have the wherewithal to fight terrorists properly, but this report has played into the hands of those seeking to have Iran obtain nuclear weapoms, with all that acquisition means for the future actions of Hez'bollah, Hamas, etc.

In the Middle Ages, Jews suffered from blood libels based on the lies of so-called informers. Many Jews were killed, many tortured and the lucky ones escaped to other pastures of hate.

There are obviously a range of opinions from right to left in Jewish communities and those extended communities that take an interest in World affairs, both on religious and political grounds, however, Goldstone had crossed the line beyond anything remotely arguable or acceptable and has stood as a defender of those who wish to finish the Nazis' work. Previously, such people were put in cherem (excommunicated) and I can think of nothing more fitting for Goldstone. I can think of no more damaging a role that a Jew could take to attack other Jews. I can think of no more damaging a role that any person could take to attack their extended family than bearing false witness in this manner.

The true disgrace is that this liar, this man who has instigated hatred of not only of Israel, but Jews, is to be protected within the very community that his actions will help destroy. Obama will use this perverted report in 2011 to announce the next Arab state and take away access to Jewish holy sites, including large swathes of Jerusalem. Once Auschwitz is reconvened and Jews are once again concentrated in a sliver of land, the end of Israel, and hence Judaism as we know it, will occur.

Goldstone recently wanted to attend a bar-mitzvah of a grandson in South Africa and demanded assurances from the synagogue that no one would react to his attendance with disdain or protest. What an arrogant man. There is no point in his grandson having a bar mitzvah because thanks to his grandfather’s enabling of hatred, there will be many others having no bar mitzvahs in the future. With a grandfather like him, what is the point of being Jewish in the future. Goldstone, and those who wish to associate with him should be shunned by Jews and good people the world over.

Goldstone has already relocated to the hive of his anti-Semitic NGOs, and the shame is that he has not gone to live with his friends in Gaza, or Nablus or Ramallah.

There should be no coddling or politeness shown to this evil man.

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