Happy 2011? Although I wish 2011 to be a happy, peaceful and successful year for the world, unfortunately, I have my doubts and fears. I believe that this coming year will be a dangerous year for democracies and freedom everywhere, and I hope that I am wrong. I don’t want to be too much of a “downer”, yet I must be a realist.
The first and over-riding danger that will face the planet is that 2011 is the year that Iran will obtain fully functioning nuclear weapons. Just writing that sentence sends a chill down my spine. It does not matter how advanced these weapons will be, but the terrorist network that roams from Tehran, through Europe, across Asia and now into South America will enable some delivery system for a death load.
The second danger is Obama’s continuing appeasement of terrorists and tyrannies at the expense of democratic allies of the US. This has been the case since his election, although he was hamstrung somewhat in 2010, as he struggled to make every basic economic mistake he could whilst sticking to his ideological goals of reshaping American society in his graven image.
This is the year to be very afraid, because in spite of Obama’s economic malfeasance, the US economy will recover somewhat. It has simply dropped too far, too quickly for there not be a bounce and public spending will be at a level high enough to enable a claimed recovery. Not co-incidentally, this will be in time for the beginning of the new Presidential election season.
Timing is everything and in August 2011, the rumours are too strong to ignore that the US will succumb to reward terrorism, and under Obama’s direct instructions, will vote for the establishment of a Palestinian state on the heartlands of Judeo-Christian history. This is bad on so many fronts.
Firstly, it proves to terrorists that it does not matter how ludicrous the basis or hate inspired is your cause, if you stick at it long enough, revise history long enough, the world will go along with it. It also helps to have oil money on your side.
Secondly, there is no reason for a fellow democracy to side with the creators of global terrorism to create an anti-democratic theocratic clan ridden misogynistic and homophobic country at the expense of a democracy that has been forever plagued by attacks upon its citizenry. The current Obama administration encourages violence by refusing to even request that the PLO/PA refrain from anti-Semitic incitement yet arranging for Lt General Dayton to train a terrorist army in waiting, whilst euphemistically calling the heavily brigades a "police" force.
Thirdly, the destruction of religious freedom for Jews and Christians for the benefit of a contrived Islamic “history”. The US will support the stripping away of the ability of a religion to freely visit its holy places in peace. No longer will Jews be able to visit the Tombs of the Patriarchs, Rachel and Joseph, Shechem or a thousand other places resonant from the Bible and places in which Jews lived until ethnically cleansed by Transjordan (now Jordan) in 1948. Already, since the idiocy of Oslo 1993 and the dumping of the PLO mafia over the local Arab population, we have seen the harassment of Christians in the regions vacated by Israel to the PA and the severe reduction in their numbers.
And worst of all, US support for division of Jerusalem and the handing over of the site of the Jewish Temple wholly to the whims of the Wakf. Again, in support of ethnic cleansing of Jews from the area because Jordan managed this odious feat for 19 years out of more than 3,000 years of Jewish attachment to the entire city. Obama and his cronies deny the right of Jews to build homes on Jewish owned land in their historic capital. Land and building freezes which the PA had never demanded prior to Obama's instigation. In spite of the fashioning of world wide support for such an evil idea of another ultimately theocratic Muslim tyranny, the US erstwhile allies will understand that this means that the US cannot be relied upon.
Bizarrely, Obama can only win on a personal front from such a stance though. It solidifies the radical left wing support of his party for the revised history, although why the left-wing support is congealing around a movement that stands for everything against supposed left wing values is beyond me. Note that August 2011 when this effective creation of a new Muslim state is expected to happen will be just before Obama baptizes himself in re-election fever. He will ride the coat-tails of the economic bounce and his “peace” credentials, and the fact that the Republican party currently has no credible candidate to replace him.
Obama’s craven cowardice in the face of the threats facing freedom will not be reported as appeasement, until the pages of history are turned decades from now, hopefully in a democracy somewhere.
Unfortunately, the only moral leadership in the world appears to be that of Canada but it is not a country big enough to lead the free world, and the morality is largely being borne by a minority government. Australia is not far behind, but between them, these two countries only call on a population of approximately 50 million souls. The UK is effectively bankrupt, both in moral standing and funding, driven there by the delinquency of a social welfare state that expanded beyond the capacity of society to pay for it or impose any duty or judgment on those making ever-increasing demands. The rest of a Europe dominated by Germany and France are hardly placed to take moral leadership on any front, never mind that they are struggling to stay afloat economically, each with their own welfare demands.
Iran is laughing at all this, so is the axis of Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas, whilst Turkey will continue to plan to get what it can get from Europe whilst lurching into the Islamist worlds. You may have noticed that I not mentioned Al Qaeda, and this is because it has metamorphosed more into an inspiration than a truly organized terrorist group. It is still operational with the Taliban across Afghanistan and Pakistan, but its true offensive operations are limited to that neighbourhood. Nonetheless, it serves as a recruiting call to many across the globe who ascribe to the same belief system, and who are prepared to act without significant material support. It used to be said that an army travels on its stomach, but this new force is an army travelling on communicating its hate-filled beliefs.
Once Israel is effectively terminated this year, does any rational person truly believe that this will end the clash of civilizations? How goes the rest of the free world when good has been framed as bad, and true evil assisted in reaching its declared goals? All questioning lost to what is deemed to be political incorrectness if it does not fit into a pre-determined revisionism, and castigation for those who read contemporaneous history books and remember what really happened. The question is where next, and as the Soviet Union fell, so will America be believed to be ripe for a fall. No country seeking to compete with the US has no reason to stand in the way of this, as it seeks to replace the US hegemony. The US could have been a power for good, instead it is withering away from inaction in the face of an evil spread.
Obama will be remembered as the President who not only appeased but sided with fiction and terror, and set back freedom for many in the world, not only in this generation. In future years, he will be seen as Chamberlain is now. A man trying to do his best in good will but failing, or refusing to see, the evil that besets the world. Earth is about to get a lot more dangerous this year.
Those who practice freedom of thought and action should be truly afraid of 2011. Happy New Year.
I hope I am entirely wrong.
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