Monday, April 11, 2011

Tax cuts and how to save jobs, the economy

We have an election campaign going on in Canada, although hard to notice because it is low-key and thus a very Canadian election. There has been some "outrage" expressed at possible corporate tax cuts included in one party's manifesto. I am not much of an economist even though I have an economics degree and instinctively, I also recoiled from the prospect of corporate tax cuts which would appear to make big companies richer. Then I thought a little more deeply about the Canadian $ surging high against foreign currencies and especially against the value of our biggest trade partner, the US. In simple terms, which is what best suits me, I concluded that a good way to maintain competition and therefore maintain employment for large numbers of Canadians, is for corporate tax cuts to counter-balance the increased cost of our products beyond our borders.

Having seen the economic devastation being brought to the US by continuing inane policies of Obama pouring fuel on a fire, and the fall of the UK economy to such a level that some cities are planning to light only half their street lamps, the conservative Canadian approach has kept us relatively safe in the past few years. Feels wrong to say it, yet these tax cuts may yet save many of our jobs. 

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