Friday, November 30, 2012

The only moral countries in the world on November 29, 2012. Kudos to Canada, The Czech Republic, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Panama & the USA

US, Canada, Israel, Czech Rep, Panama, Palau, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Micronesia are the only moral countries that voted against rewarding the terrorism of the PLO and against stripping away all Jewish holy sites from Israel.
Other than the victim Israel, these are the only 8 countries in the world to exhibit moral courage and not reward a total abrogation of the Oslo accord by the PLO. They voted” no” to the establishment of yet another radical theocratic Muslim state on the core historic Jewish heartland that includes the only sites holy to Judaism – the Temple Mount and Western Wall, Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, Rachel’s Tomb in Bethelehem and Joseph’s Tomb in Schechem. They voted “no” to giving a state to a fictitious people only created in 1964, and repeatedly admitted by Arab leaders to simply be a tool to eradicate Israel.
Please consider sending a message of thanks to the following representatives for their clear sighted and moral support of freedom, truth and Israel.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper
John Baird, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Bob Dechert, Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Foreign Affairs
Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism,

CZECH REPUBLIC Embassy, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

PANAMA Embassy, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Head of Mission: His Excellency Jorge H. Miranda Corona, Ambassador

PANAMA Consulate, Toronto

James Woolford, Consul General

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Embassy,Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
E-mail (Consular Section):


Office of the President and Cabinet

Yolanda Lodge-Ned, Clerk of Cabinet

Chris deBrum, Chief of Staff, Office of the President

Permanent Mission of the FSM to the United Nations

H.E. Masao Nakayama, Permanent Representative/Ambassador

Mr. Jeem S. Lippwe, Minister

Mr. Martin Zvachula, Second Secretary


Office of the President

Presidential Counsel

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Minister for Foreign Affairs


Palau mission to the United Nations - New York, New York, USA

His Excellency Stuart Beck, Ambassador & Permanent Representative

Washington D.C. Embassy, His Excellency Hersey Kyota, Ambassador

Monday, November 5, 2012

An open letter to the Jews of America and to all good democrats everywhere

My friends, I realize that this is late, and that this is a long essay reaching as it does into history, ethics, domestic policy, foreign policy and economics. I also realise that you have probably already made up your mind as to your vote in the US presidential election. But if not now, then when? You may also resent a non-American presuming to give you advice on voting in America. If this is true, then nothing I write below will reach you. But I feel that I must try, because the stakes are too high for the democracies of this planet.

This is an election that is critical not only to the future of America, but to the future of the Free World. Even more, this election is absolutely critical to the state of Israel and to the entire future of the Jewish people.

Thus, before you cast your vote on Tuesday, just consider if you believe you would have the same rights and opportunities in the US without the existence of the state of Israel? If you believe you would, then just ask your grandparents and parents what life was like for Jews before Israel’s rebirth. Even ask them what life was like before 1967.
Do you trust the future of the Jewish people to BHObama?

Do you trust BHObama to ensure the ability of Jews to pray at the Kotel (Western Wall of the Second Temple), the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, the tomb of the Matriarch Rachel, Joseph’s tomb? If those names and places mean nothing to you, other than ancient myths, and yet you believe in the modern myth of BHObama’s economic and foreign policies, then go ahead and vote for him.
Vote for a man who believes that the 1949 armstice lines, established when 7 Arab armies invaded the 600,000 Jews of Israel and slaughtered 1% of them just 3 years after the Holocaust ended, should be the line that determine where a Judenrein region of Judea and Samaria should begin..

Do you trust BHObama when he says he will not allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons? Do you believe he is not being cute, because although he will not say that he won't let Iran gain the ability to develop nuclear weapons, he actually means both things?
Not only that, why are his minions despatched around the globe to disparage Israel's deterrence capability? Why would he threaten Israel’s leaders against a pre-emptive attack that would try to stave off another Holocaust? Yet Iran’s leaders already deny the Holocaust committed via Nazi Germany and friends, whilst they still promise another as soon as they can enact it. BHObama's action are not those of a friend, they are not even the actions of a neutral.

At a time, when the Jewish people are again faced with the threat of 6 million Jews being exterminated, and nevertheless 120 non-aligned countries turn up in Tehran in spite of BHObama’s vaunted sanctions, the president of the USA decided to denigrate and humiliate the Prime Minister of Israel. Still he found time for late night chat shows. Nonetheless, funds and welcomes are showered on the leaders of the nazi-inspired, and initially sponsored, Muslim Brotherhood.
I have heard many things directly from people who have met BHObama, primarily as the 2008 candidate. One tale in particular stuck out (although there is one story I cannot repeat because I don't have permission to breach a confidence that involves a direct meeting with BHObama and which would shake any supporter of Israel).

BHObama was in Gilo (which is a South Western suburb of Jerusalem although BHObama ignoring the compass, declared it to be East Jerusalem with the loaded political baggage that entails) and we both stood at the same spot, being shown the same things by the same guide. We both looked up and saw the pock marks of bullets fired at civilians in the Jerusalem stone of residential apartments, and the bullet proof shutters required by the inhabitants that overlooked a beautiful valley. Israel had finally constructed a part of the security fence in the middle of the valley to try to protect the civilians. BHObama’s immediate comment was that this was purely a land grab. He ignored the evidence of the terrorist bullets, he ignored the fact that this was Jewish owned land before the British trained and commanded Arab Legion of TransJordan had captured the area in 1948 and ethnically cleansed it of Jews. Somehow, BHObama’s default position was that this Jewish owned land was a "land grab" by Jews.

When I was born, Jews were not allowed to visit the Kotel. Jews could pay some nuns and they may then be allowed to climb a tower and have a look at the Kotel in the distance. BHObama’s pressure on Israel is to relinquish all areas of Israel that resonate with Jewish history, and be left with an indefensible 9 mile waist. If re-elected that pressure will be all but irresistable. Israel will be abandoned on the world stage by the USA, possibly left with only Canada as a friend.  
Not only this, but if you actually know the history of the area, you will know that the deliverance of another swath of the Middle East to create yet another modern Arab country that has never existed in history, is based on fictions. But that may be irrelevant to your sensibilities.

You should be able to guess where my thoughts are going. Let me say that voting for BHObama is not a treacherous thing for an American to do in terms of the American people, it may be damaging to them, but it is not treacherous.  But voting for BHObama is a treacherous thing for a Jew to do in terms of the Jewish people.
I have lived many years in both Europe and North America, and I simply don’t panic. Yet, I have seen the demise of European Jewry to approximately one million souls, but bullied and harassed souls, turned into frightened shells of communities protected by barbed wire, closed circuit cameras, defended by young Jews, tombstones laid flat so that they cannot be desecrated and windows that cannot be opened in schools or synagogues. This, less than 70 years after a third of the Jewish people were wiped out on that continent, and where today, Jews fear to defend Israel in polite company at schools, universities, the office, golf clubs (if let in), the media; as Israel yet defends its citizens from theocratic terrorists who rain missiles upon civilians. The modern day blood libel of apartheid is stuck on the backs of all Jews who are not turncoats to their history, and as with the Nazis, boycotts of products of the Jewish homeland are promoted to punish Jews. This is what you are facing too if you re-elect a leader who wants to lead you down a European track of supposed sophistry and entitlement.

Perhaps your vote will ignore the above and simply be in pursuit of social justice, and for some reason in the US, the right of women to have government funded abortion on demand seems especially critical. But have you looked at the Democratic Party recently? Just like the Liberal Democrats in the UK and the National Democratic Party in Canada, it has morphed into a collection of radical causes that have found a political home. It’s not a focused party any more, just a wave of tearing down morals that have existed.
Personally, I don’t have a firm conclusion on abortion but I do know that a large number of my UK colleagues used abortion as their form of contraception, and that cannot be good on any level for any party. Yet, there are the obvious cases where abortion is not just warranted, but required, and sadly in the UK, there are still too many children being born into the treadmill of poverty and social welfare.

The fact is, those women who want abortions will continue to be able to get them whoever is in power, no matter what you are being told by mendacious attack ads. Abortion is not a reason to vote for BHObama.
Social Justice? Quickly research the lobby groups at the Democratic National Convention. I am not going to direct you to those groups, simply look at them and see if they truly represent values you wish to dominate your country.

Economy? Well, I remember Ronald Reagan facing a terrible economic climate, but I don’t recall him continually blaming Carter and he began to turn things around almost immediately. Reagan didn’t continue to dig so deep that, even now, I have no clue how the USA is going to get out of the exponentially devastating $16 Trillion debt hole. I do believe in universal health care, but as King Solomon allegedly said, there is a time for everything. In the worst global recession in 80 years, that is not the time to restructure a sixth of the economy under government controls. “Stimulus” is simply illogical, and deters the private sector from competing with a government that can abuse its own laws and rules, as it did with the secured lenders of the auto companies.

You don't get the ability to promote a viable social justice program without a functioning economy. An economy that simply borrows without the ability to pay the debt, is not a functioning economy.
So, I see no reason on domestic policy to vote for Obama.

But Jews need to go back to what Israel will face during another 4 years of BHObama rule. Iran will develop nuclear arms capability. No ifs, no buts.
Will Iran attack? Possibly not immediately, but they are governed by brutal theocratic tyranny led by people who believe in an apocalyptic vision that involves initiating a world war to inspire the return of the 12th hidden Mahdi. Iran is the biggest sponsor of terrorism across the globe, on every continent and who knows where a weapon may one day emerge? Iran’s soldiers are currently slaughtering Syrians, and aiding their puppet Assad. Do you think they will care more about the lives of duplicitous apes and pigs, as Jews are described in the Koran? It is merely a matter of time before they deploy a nuclear arsenal.

Even after a nuclear attack by Iran, probably via Hezbollah to provide plausible deniability, then being pummelled by the tens of thousands of missiles prepared under the “watch” of UN forces in Lebanon, and from Gaza, and possibly attacks now from Egypt, Israel will survive in some form. However, it will once again be at the cost of 1 in 3 of the approximately 12 million Jews left in the world. Jews did not recover to the pre-Holocaust number of 18 million even after the best 70 years in 1,800 years of Jewish history. What chance is there of a real future if the numbers are reduced once more and the homeland left as a radioactive pool? 
Let’s leave some final words to Tevye  of Fiddler on the Roof fame, as he reflects on the decision you must make. Most American Jews will at least be aware of Tevye and his torments. Let him guide you.

How can I turn my back on my faith
My people
If I try and bend that far
I will break
On the other hand
No! There is no other hand

Given his actions to date and speeches around the world, I ask you again. 
Do you really trust BHObama with the future of the Jewish people?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

RTFQ: Obama, Benghazi, videos and root causes of Muslim violence

As analysts pontificated on the so called root causes of current global Muslim violence, I recalled the wise advice drilled into me when studying for examinations; RTFQ.  The best way to reach a valid answer is to first understand what is actually being asked by proceeding to “Read The F****** Question”. In these violent instances, the advice remains valid and should also be RTFQ. I recommend everyone “Read The Quran” and the root causes will be apparent.

Radicals go on a witch hunt in Toronto

Recently, we have seen a witch hunt by radicals against the elected Mayor of Toronto. The allegedly left-wing radicals are no longer able to freely gorge themselves at the trough of taxpayers' monies since the end of 2010. The social reconstruction projects of a non-elected cabal of extremists do not only attack Toronto’s mayor, but they now attack the huge majority of Toronto's citizens who voted to make their councillors actually accountable for how they chomp through taxpayer funds. Most of the radicals’ causes have little or nothing to do with left-wing ideals of correcting unnatural inequality or achieving representative democracy, but somehow, those with prejudice within their hearts have finagled radical biases into an over-arching cause.
Toronto has certainly seen more than its fair share of taxpayer funds going to causes that add nothing to society or its culture, but are essentially free hand-outs for those causes that cannot attract any financial or other support. It’s also a city where the “public service” unions were given the keys to the till in the 7 years of Miller/Pantalone NDP ridden rule. 7 years where the budget effectively doubled from $6 Billion to just under $12 Billion, for less services to the average citizen. As a backlash, Toronto voted against more of the same and elected a mayor who wished to at least restrict the unions’ access to the till somewhat.
The radicals did not like this and the little connected covert cabal of evil-doers have sought every slimey trick to attack the Mayor, and any councillor not seen to be in their pockets. Sadly, there are certain lawyers in the city prepared to take pro bono work on for these low lives; heaven forbid that the radicals should actually pay for anything themselves.These lawyers are of the ilk who have little, if any, justice in their cause, and as such revert to nefarious tactics. I have watched with horror the abusive tactics being perpetrated upon the Mayor of Toronto and recognise these as being too easily entertained by the Courts. These tactics include eschewing written answers to fair questions, and these lawyers are certainly not averse to slurring the credibility of good people in order to be granted cross examinations by Courts which tolerate this chicanery. This sort of lawyer do everything they can to cross examine people viva voce, because their aims are to inflate costs, harassment of plaintiffs, hindrance, and if lucky, to trick the cross examinee and they have no compunction about adding information. These gutter lawyers often withhold information themselves until the juncture of the cross examination and their acts have nothing to do with achieving justice. The Law Societies, because they are also industry associations, are loath to censure members. Sadly, this attack on Toronto’s duly elected mayor is not just an isolated incident but a method of practice for many lawyers who abuse the processes set up to enable real justice for all.

The Lumberjack Song reimagined by terrorist enablers to Gaza - the 100th post

Whilst recently reading the stomach churning litany of lies and illogic by those who launch boats to support Hamas in Gaza, and their justification of enablement of terrorism, I could hear a Canadian centric song being sung (apologies to Monty Python). It is not the Mavi Marmara Khaibar song lauding the massacre of Jews.
Being extraordinarily generous, let’s just say the UN’s bodies (in particular, its "special rapporteur/conspiracy theorist as it relates to Jews" Richard Falk) are flawed and unreliable as sources for objective information in the Arab-Israeli conflict. UNRWA in Gaza is, at best, riddled with operatives of the terrorist group, Hamas. I would not trust a report by UNRWA if the report was on the spelling of UNRWA. The falsehoods being propogated are merely icing for the stale cake of anti-Semitic prejudice. All together now to the tune of the Lumberjack Song:

I'm an anti-Semite and I'm okay
I hate all night and I lie all day
     He's an anti-Semite and he's okay
     He hates all night and he lies all day

I put down Jews, I go to sea
I aim to increase Gazan weaponry
On everyday, I go sailing
And have the support of the BBC


I put down Jews, I love Hamas
Jihadis and Hezbollah
I wish I'd been a pirate
Just like my dear Yasser

Chorus to fade

That's the first 100 posts gone.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Alice Walker is an anti-Semitic liar blinded by hate who once wrote a fictional book about purple

Another guest writer has allowed me to include their statement regarding Alice Walker. She is the writer of the novel "The Color Purple" (colour spelt incorrectly for most of the English speaking world) regarding the experience of prejudice. Nonetheless, Walker has proven herself to be a vile supporter of terrorism both in word and deed in recent years, as long as the terrorism is directed against Jews. According to her, Jewish children should live under missile bombardment launched from amongst the protective Arab civilians in Gaza, but any attempt by Israel to protect its children is unacceptable. Her hypocrisy is laid bare in the statement below.

I feel bad for Alice Walker, as she is not happy that all the Arab women in Israel have found an equality that is unparalleled in any Arab country.

I feel bad for Alice Walker, as she is not happy that all the Arabs in Israel have equality and access to education that is not available to them in the Arab world.

I feel bad for Alice Walker, as she is not happy that Arabs are democratically elected and represented in the Israeli government, and justice system and well represented in the educational system, civil service and professions.

I feel bad for Alice Walker, as she is not happy with the equality in Israel while blacks, Christians and Moslems cross deserts by foot, fleeing from all across Africa in droves, to get to Israel where they know they will finally find equality, freedom and opportunity.

I feel bad for Alice Walker, as she is not happy and prefers the ethnic cleansing of Jews and destruction of Jewish heritage sites, synagogues and cemeteries during 19 years under Jordanian Arab (unrecognized) sovereignty, and would prefer that that be the standard we strive for, rather than thousands of years of non-Arab sovereignty and 45 years of equality under Israeli government (that is enshrined as legal and unchangeable in the U.N. Charter, as well as British and American law).

I feel bad for Alice Walker, as she has chosen the hypocrisy of publicly refusing to allow her book to be published in Israel knowing full well that her royalties from the other publisher will not suffer for her actions.

I also feel bad for the Arabs and Israelis who are forced to endure constant security and checks to ensure their very physical safety because of some who would kill many if given the opportunity.

Mostly I feel bad for Alice Walker and those who have chosen either ignorance of reality and misleading bigotry and anti-Semitism over visiting and experiencing the reality of Israel.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

United Church of Canada reeks of Anti-Semitism

When reviewing the proposed boycott motions of the United Church of Canada (“UCC”), I could not find those boycotts referring to Russia and China. That’s odd because in the rush for social justice by the UCC, they failed to notice that both Russia and China protect the continuing atrocities of the Assad regime in Syria by way of veto at the UN Security Council. Russia continues to supply heavy weaponry to Assad and his minions to enable slaughter of civilians and bombardment of cities, towns and villages. Never mind Russia's provision of material for Iran's nuclear weapon program.

China continues to shield its client state, North Korea, which oppresses Christians and continues to forge ahead with nuclear proliferation in conjunction with Iran. China oppresses Christians of all denominations, and other religious adherents as a matter of government policy.

There was no motion for a boycott of Egyptian products as Christian Copts are subject to everyday oppression and acts of terror. Nor was there any motion to boycott Northern Nigerian products as a response to the recent massacre of 20 Christians attending university church services.

I failed even to notice a trendy “left wing” motion to boycott US products because terrorists are held at Guatanamo Bay. Perhaps Obama could draft one with help from his Christian mentor, Reverend Wright.

But I did see a motion to boycott Israeli goods and any company that deals with Israel. Let’s consider why the UCC should need to attack the tiny sliver of a democracy whose citizens are under constant attack by missile attacks that replaced suicide bombing, that replaced regular bombings and shootings, that replaced hijacking, that replaced invasions, etc., etc. Why would the UCC assault the only place in the Middle East where the freedom of Christians to practise their religion is protected?

The UCC ignored the oppression, acts of terror and crimes against their Christian kin of Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, and their eradication in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Iran. Reeks of anti-Semitism

The UCC targeting a boycott at the only tiny Jewish state, a democracy in a region without another, based on a distorted report at best, and fabrications at its worst, whilst true atrocities are being committed in every other surrounding totalitarian state, smacks of anti-Semitism.

Most importantly, ignoring the oppression and prejudice suffered by Christians in the birthplace of Jesus Christ, Bethlehem now ruled by the Palestinian Authority and the eradication of Christians in Gaza, ruled by Hamas, yet seeking to boycott Israel, smacks of anti-Semitism. 
The UCC doth protest too much that it guards against anti-Semitism. This boycott action absolutely stinks of it.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Tale of Two Leaders

The back pages of my local newspaper provided two articles side by side on Saturday and an easy comparison of the egos, courage and actions of two globally known leaders . Each leader was from a very different, yet democratic, country

Current US President Obama lauded himself because after dithering for months, he finally allowed US Navy Seals to eliminate Osama bin Laden, the butcher of more than 3,000 Americans, and as a targeted killing no less, without the mess of legal process. Obama’s belated decision to allow Seal Team 6 to put themselves in clear and present personal danger was apparently “courageous” because Osama was “hidden” a grenade’s throw from Pakistan’s “West Point”. In his own words, Obama is quoted as saying “I said we would go after Bin Laden if we had a clear shot at him. And I did.” This leads to an interesting train of questionning. Was Obama on the raid to Pakistan in person? Or did he confuse reality with the “video-game-esque” relay to the White House? Is “I” Obama’s favourite letter, pronoun, word or name? Why did Obama name the Presidential dog Bo using his own initials? At what point does allowing others to endanger themselves in pursuit of a mass-murdering terrorist become courageous? It is plain common sense.

On the same page, we saw analysis of the current Prime Minister of Israel, Netanyahu, who actually was a Special Forces soldier. One of the few operations that Netanyahu is known to have taken part in, only because he was wounded, was the release of 90 hostages from a Sabena airplane hijacked by terrorists in 1972. We do not know what other anti-terrorist operations Netanyahu took part in but we do know that this a person who has laid his life on the line in defence of his fellow citizens. Netanyahhu also has an election coming up sometime in the next 18 months and whilst dealing with a clear and present existential threat to his people, yet there is nary a word from Netanyahu about his family’s loss of his elder brother or about the danger to his person whilst he served his country.

When choosing leaders, voters should consider if they want a contortionist who talks the walk whilst patting himself on his back, or one who has walked the walk.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Left Home Right Away: Toronto council abandoning the city's quality of l...

Left Home Right Away: Toronto council abandoning the city's quality of l...: It is reported that Toronto City Council have reversed their decision to place trams underground and not clogging the streets of Toronto. In...

Left Home Right Away: The appeasers are back shilling for Iran

Left Home Right Away: The appeasers are back shilling for Iran: No democratically minded person wished for war with Hitler, Stalin or Mussolini in 1939, and yet the Second World War came. No democraticall...

Left Home Right Away: Why I don't support a "Palestinian" state

Left Home Right Away: Why I don't support a "Palestinian" state: Led by Obama, there’s been a recent assertion by Western leaders that one should support the creation of 2 more Palestinian states at the co...

Left Home Right Away: Anti-Semites never Toulouse a chance to attack Jew...

Left Home Right Away: Anti-Semites never Toulouse a chance to attack Jew...: Led by the BBC and Guardian influenced Catherine Ashton of the EU, anti-Semites respectfully waited approximately 12 minutes before using th...

Left Home Right Away: Toronto: a crossroads gridlocked by Stintz & downt...

Left Home Right Away: Toronto: a crossroads gridlocked by Stintz & downt...: N early $9 Billion has been earmarked by the province of Ontario for transit in Toronto. The new Mayor wisely asked that this be directed to...

Anti-Semites never Toulouse a chance to attack Jews & Israel

Led by the BBC and Guardian influenced Catherine Ashton of the EU, anti-Semites respectfully waited approximately 12 minutes before using the murders of children aged 3,6 & 8 years old and a father/teacher at a French school to attack Jews and Israel.

The attack in Toulouse was an attack on Jews; children were murdered by a gun being placed to their heads and a trigger pulled solely because they were Jews. The murderer has same goal as Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah, Islamic Jihad, al qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood...kill the Jews. The attacks on the French paratroopers were because they were not caucasian. But there is no support for the eradication of North Africans in French society or the media, no boycott campaigns to dismantle their cobbled together homelands, and no one is deliberately targetting them for extermination. The reason is because they are not Jews.

The anti-Semites and Ashton (incidentally must be something anti-Semitic about the name Ashton, as Niki of the radical NDP also launched a recent vile verbal assault) chose not to notice the difference between Gazan terrorists that use Arab kids, women, mosques and hospitals as cover whilst launching missile attacks deliberately at Israeli children and civilians (for example,the Grad missile hit bright yellow school bus last year, a missile just missed a school in Netivot this week) and the restraint of Israel even as 1 Million of its citizens live in bomb shelters and dodge incoming explosives. It's why DFLP Arab terrorists murdered 22 Jewish children at a school in Maalot, Israel. Israel desperately tries to avoid any civilian casualties, even if at cost to themselves and loss of life on their side rather than use a proper full fledged military response to attacks upon their society. It's why 13 families grow up in Israel without fathers because Israel used infantry to minimize civilian casualties when responding to 28 suicide bomber attacks from Jenin, rather than air and armour, and they walked into an ambush in a residential area rigged with IEDs. Israel cares more about the Arab human shields than the terrorists. But heck, the terrorists are in a win-win. Either they get the coverage they need, or all of them go to heaven as martyrs to enjoy sexual bliss with 70 virgins.

Another anti-Semitic argument entered after the Toulouse massacre was why do the dead Jewish children and their father need to be buried in Israel? Putting aside religious desires for a moment, consider whether it is even safe for Jews to be buried in Europe at the moment. Time and again we hear of the desecration of Jewish tombstones in cemetries and vandalisation of memorials. At least in Israel, they stand a chance of finally being able to rest in peace, an act denied them in life.

And another anti-Semitic argument raised was why was there a Jewish school in Toulouse at all? Apparently, it is fine to have Catholic, Church of England, Muslim (or Muslim accomodating) publicly funded schools in the UK (Catholic schools publicly funded in Canada too) but not Jewish schools. I may not believe in various beliefs, but as long as the school systems are not directing hate at others, which we have seen in some lamentable instances, I see no problem in schools that teach various elements of a belief system or that provide that tools for enabling it e.g. learning Hebrew, Sanskrit, Latin or Arabic necessary for reading their core scriptures. Unfortunately, public schools cannot cater to the children of those that do have specific religious needs (even to the base extent of food which may need to be vegetarian, kosher, halal, etc.). No traditional religious belief is itself a belief being promoted in such public schools. Again, going back to Jews in particular, given recent attacks on Jewish children at public schools by their peers, both physically and electronically, no wonder they would want to have their kids at Jewish schools.

All in all, sad to say, the anti-Semites don't stop for a second with distortions and twist even the news of an attack on Jews to further bash Jews and Israel.

Toronto: a crossroads gridlocked by Stintz & downtown councillors

Nearly $9 Billion has been earmarked by the province of Ontario for transit in Toronto. The new Mayor wisely asked that this be directed to create subways to add to the small network curerntly in place. Toronto is estimated to welcome approximately 1,000,000 new immigrants in the next 10-15 years. A small minded local councillor (stintz) who wishes to play political games for her own benefit has sided with a cabal of radical allegedly left wing downtown councillors to have these funds be used for gridlock creating, business destroying and crime engendering disasters that are streetcars/trams, rather than subways. This political game is not about making the future of Toronto a pleasant place, but based solely on a vicious vendetta to undermine a centre-right Mayor, who had the temerity to defeat a liberal insider (Smiterman) who had a history of wasting taxpayer money ($1Billion plus on ehealth, unknown $Billions on "green" handouts).

Back to traffic.

Before you ask, or dismiss this message as a car junkie rant, you ought to be aware that I walk, bike and use a subway every single day to get to work. Part of the last municipal election was about getting away from the idiocy of streetcars above ground, and to get away from the imposition of downtown councillor militant anti-car agendas on those living North of St. Clair Avenue in Toronto. A streetcar/tram imposition on St. Clair Avenue drove over 100 businesses into insolvency and has created gridlock all around it. The fiasco of placing streetcars/trams above ground was to be done away following the termination of the last Mayor's (Miller) administration, but Stintz has revived this debacle on the basis of short term thinking and political gain

Please let me tell you that I have seen the devastation to a city’s quality of life that streetcars/trams and bus lanes bring. I lived through the horror of it in Manchester, England from where I emigrated and if people think the St. Clair monstrosity was bad, they have no idea what is coming.
One should have concern for the local economy. I have seen and heard all the same arguments being put forward by council  before, and as noted, seen the destruction trams brought to quality of life in Manchester by creating gridlock, no-go crime ridden pedestrianized zones and devastation of real businesses (pawn shops, bookmakers and dollar store equivalents are now prevalent on remaining single lane roads into the centre of Manchester).
In Toronto, the same disruption as on St. Clair Avenue will ensue and many more families will also lose their livelihoods from along the new route. A double whammy for the province and city to have to pay compensation and lose taxpayers. It is better for the City of Toronto not to buy trams and remain as it is, rather than place these in the way of Toronto’s modern development and traffic flow.

As background, Manchester resurrected trams in the 1990’s for many of the same reasons that Toronto Council now seem to want to. They wanted to create gridlock to force people onto public transport and were short of the will to fund real forward thinking infrastructure. Like Toronto, Manchester also had limited funds due to huge labour costs of the city’s workforce, even as real services were cut (not the same peripheral entitlements that are being fought over by a relatively small number of vocal beneficiaries in Toronto). Manchester is a poorer city than Toronto, with significantly more amounts of street crime, which also meant that taking public transport was often dangerous. Nevertheless, the driven council of Manchester pushed forward and were given a huge boost when the IRA blew up the city centre in 1996. They had a clean slate to make the city in their mind’s image. Therefore, they removed road lanes for vehicles, putting in trams, bike and bus lanes. It has been a total disaster for the whole quality of life in the city because movement has ground to a virtual halt and there are large crime-ridden pockets targeting slow moving pedestrians exposed to the vagaries of a public transport system also caught up in the gridlock. Manchester has approximately 1 million people and yet this is what trams did to a smaller city.

I expect councillors have received input and delegations from the organized pressure groups led by people who were rejected by the voters at municipal level, but those people who work too hard to be able to spend time making representations to their councillors on every vote or attending council meetings are opposed to trams over subways. All but one of the people I have spoken to are tremendously irate about the possibility of streetcars/trams being funded at the cost of subways. Out of the myriad of people who have contacted me, only one solitary person, who lives beyond Toronto itself in Thornhill, has expressed any satisfaction about putting more trams on the streets of Toronto. This is solely because he hates Mayor Ford and this is an opportunity to attack him. Hardly a good or logical reason for promoting a strategy for Toronto’s future. Every single other person who actually lives in Toronto has been irate about the devastation that will be laid upon the city by this short sighted plan.
Cheap infrastructure that does not do the job now should not be adopted because it suits the political plans of particular councillors.
Simple question is, if subways are not put in now when there is a chance to do so, when will they ever be? As happened in the last edition, will the North York Post be publishing 82 year old pictures of the technological marvel of trams in 2094? The future of Toronto and its quality of life lies in whether the council sees fit to act as a whole on behalf of its residents, now and future, or whether it will promote a wasteful incompetent mechanism for their own personal goals.

Toronto can be great, but if the reports are accurate, then Toronto will now degrade into a second class mediocre humdrum workaday city if tram vision is allowed to proceed.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why I don't support a "Palestinian" state

Led by Obama, there’s been a recent assertion by Western leaders that one should support the creation of 2 more Palestinian states at the cost of the Jewish people’s security, ability to visit their holy sites and ability to live in their heartland of their historic homeland.

In response, I ask, why oppose another radical Muslim state at the expense of a people with more than 3,300 year old ties to the very land and holy sites claimed? Let me count the ways.
I don’t support

· further rending of the 22% of the land allocated for the Jewish National Home that has not already been given over to Arab rule. Britain created Transjordan (now the Hashemite "Kingdom" of Jordan) in 1923 as a sop to Abdullah bin al-Hussein  on 78% of the land allocated for the Jewish National Home under its League of Nations mandate. (Abdullah bin al-Hussein family’s had been usurped by ibn Saud’s clans in lands that became Saudi Arabia). In the remaining 22% of the Mandate lands, when Jews were struggling to leave the Europe that would become their death bed, the British admitted more than 5 Arabs for every Jew in the 1920s and 30s. Emir Abdullah of Transjordan (as he now was) complained that he was fast becoming a king without subjects as vast numbers of Arabs were drawn to Jewish-created health and prosperity across the river, not only from Transjordan but also from Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and even from as far away as Italian conquered Libya.

· ethnic cleansing of Christians such that their population has diminished from 80% to 20% at Jesus’ birthplace since the Oslo Accords gave control of Bethlehemi to arafat and his terrorist gangs in 1993.

· a force that demands any land it rules be ethnically cleansed of Jews.

· rewarding Arafat and his corrupt gangs for launching a terror war after taking land given for peace under the Oslo Accords, but failing to give peace in return.

· the surrender of Gaza to Hamas, a violent jihadi terrorist group supplied with arms by Iran and that daily fires missiles at Israeli kindergartens, school buses and other civilian targets.

· a state created to salve Arab officials who have, since the PLO’s birth in 1964, repeatedly admitted that the creation of a spurious history and a Palestinian Arab people( as noted above, largely drawn from those Arabs of Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt and even Libya) was but for a single purpose; to use as a tool to eradicate Israel.

· The creation of another theocratic state for an Arab grouping that is linguistically, historically, culturally, socially and ethnically identical to other Arabs living in the other 24 vast Arab countries.

· Anti-Semitism

The appeasers are back shilling for Iran

No democratically minded person wished for war with Hitler, Stalin or Mussolini in 1939, and yet the Second World War came. No democratically minded person wishes for war with Iran and its sponsored terror groups in 2012, and yet it will come. Iran is already waging war against other countries via support for terrorist activities in Iraq, Lebanon (it has effectively taken over that country via Hezbollah) and Gaza versus Israel.

Sitting here in the democratic Western World a la Chamberlain claiming that Iran has done nothing to us, and like the forsken Czechoslovakia of 1938, that Iran’s is “a far-away country” and that the quarrel is “between people of whom we know nothing” simply will not stop Hitler’s ambitious successors in both thought and deed. Iran’s leadership have told us what they intend to do, Hitler did too. War is coming and the choice is not ours whether we will not escape it in the West. The question is whether it will be with a nuclear armed Iran or not.

Toronto council abandoning the city's quality of life by resurrecting streetcars (called early trams in the 1900's)

It is reported that Toronto City Council have reversed their decision to place trams underground and not clogging the streets of Toronto. In addition, it is reported that the Council wish to limit certain publicly paid for roads to buses. Before you ask, or dismiss this message as a car junkie rant, you ought to be aware that I walk, bike and use the TTC every day to get to work.

The fiasco of placing streetcars above ground was to be done away following the termination of the Miller administration, but it is reported that the current Council appear to have revived this debacle on the basis of short term thinking and possibly political gain. If so, their actions do their elected office a disservice.

Let me first tell you that I have seen the devastation to a city’s quality of life that streetcars/trams and bus lanes bring. I lived through the horror of it in Manchester, England and if people think the St. Clair monstrosity was bad, they have no idea what is coming due to the councillors’ dereliction of duty, supposedly to make Toronto a wonderful place to live.

Manchester resurrected trams in the 1990’s for many of the same reasons that Toronto Council now seem to want to. They wanted to create gridlock to force people onto public transport and were short of the will to fund real forward thinking infrastructure. Like Toronto, Manchester also had limited funds due to huge labour costs of the city’s workforce, even as real services were cut (not the same peripheral entitlements that are being fought over by a small number of vocal beneficiaries in Toronto).

Manchester is a poorer city than Toronto, with significantly more amounts of street crime, which also meant taking public transport was often dangerous. Nevertheless, the driven council of Manchester pushed forward and were given a huge boost when the IRA blew up the city centre in 1996. They had a clean slate to make the city in their mind’s image. Therefore they removed road lanes for vehicles, putting in trams and bus lanes. It has been a total disaster for the whole quality of life in the city because movement has ground to a virtual halt. Street crime has always been high, but has increased due to slow moving pedestrians being exposed to the vagaries of a limited inefficient public transport system also caught up in the gridlock. Manchester has approximately 1 million people and yet this is what trams did to a smaller city.

Trams are a technology from the early 1900’s when private vehicular travel was a luxury and few roads were needed. Trams/streetcars create gridlock, are slow, old fashioned, and are limited to specific routes with no flexibility. Major cities rightfully moved away from them as soon as possible. Trams are for cities that cannot afford proper infrastructure, that have a political anti-car agenda and that have no substantial private vehicle ownership. Trams are not an option for a first world city looking to better life for its inhabitants in the medium to long term future. If density in Toronto is what is desired, then underground public transport is the only alternative for a first class city. Putting trams above ground and reducing roads by offering lanes to buses only, is a backward step for this city.

Part of the last municipal election in Toronto was about getting away from the idiocy of streetcars above ground, and to get away from the imposition of downtown councillor militant anti-car agendas on those living North of St. Clair. The apparent abandonment of the wishes of most non-radical citizens by dint of backroom shenanigans is a disgrace to the councillors’office. Due to hidden political manoeuvring to which we have no transparent visibility, it is almost certain that these idiot councillors will not reverse course and come back to sanity for the benefit of Toronto.

Nonetheless, I wanted to register my outrage at their contribution to the destruction of quality of life in this city. It could have been great, but if the reports are accurate, then Toronto will now degrade into a second class mediocre humdrum workaday city because of the councillors’ petty thinking for short term political gain.

The best place for trams is to be buried underground and that they should never see the light of day again.

Absolutely disgusted by Toronto council’s reported short sighted behaviour.