Friday, November 30, 2012

The only moral countries in the world on November 29, 2012. Kudos to Canada, The Czech Republic, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Panama & the USA

US, Canada, Israel, Czech Rep, Panama, Palau, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Micronesia are the only moral countries that voted against rewarding the terrorism of the PLO and against stripping away all Jewish holy sites from Israel.
Other than the victim Israel, these are the only 8 countries in the world to exhibit moral courage and not reward a total abrogation of the Oslo accord by the PLO. They voted” no” to the establishment of yet another radical theocratic Muslim state on the core historic Jewish heartland that includes the only sites holy to Judaism – the Temple Mount and Western Wall, Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, Rachel’s Tomb in Bethelehem and Joseph’s Tomb in Schechem. They voted “no” to giving a state to a fictitious people only created in 1964, and repeatedly admitted by Arab leaders to simply be a tool to eradicate Israel.
Please consider sending a message of thanks to the following representatives for their clear sighted and moral support of freedom, truth and Israel.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper
John Baird, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Bob Dechert, Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Foreign Affairs
Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism,

CZECH REPUBLIC Embassy, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

PANAMA Embassy, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Head of Mission: His Excellency Jorge H. Miranda Corona, Ambassador

PANAMA Consulate, Toronto

James Woolford, Consul General

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Embassy,Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
E-mail (Consular Section):


Office of the President and Cabinet

Yolanda Lodge-Ned, Clerk of Cabinet

Chris deBrum, Chief of Staff, Office of the President

Permanent Mission of the FSM to the United Nations

H.E. Masao Nakayama, Permanent Representative/Ambassador

Mr. Jeem S. Lippwe, Minister

Mr. Martin Zvachula, Second Secretary


Office of the President

Presidential Counsel

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Minister for Foreign Affairs


Palau mission to the United Nations - New York, New York, USA

His Excellency Stuart Beck, Ambassador & Permanent Representative

Washington D.C. Embassy, His Excellency Hersey Kyota, Ambassador

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