Monday, November 2, 2020

The future of America, the Free World and American Jews - A warning vision on November 2, 2020

I don’t do nuance and yet I am rarely wrong on global matters. In my lifetime, I only got the Scottish independence vote wrong so far. Disagree with me if you wish, but then watch my predictions come true, because what hangs in the balance is the future of America, the Free World and the future of the Jews in North America, or more accurately, the timing of the future of Jews in North America. Forgive me if I cover a range of political, historical and philosophical issues in order to share my vision. 

Everything changes, quite often not for the better. One should not ignore the obvious especially in this day and age with our understanding of ballistic missiles and nuclear weaponry, and with the biggest existential physical threat to Israel and the Jewish people coming from Iran and its evil minions. Notwithstanding President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the 3,300 year old capital of the Jewish faith, the damage done by bHobama providing Iran with a legitimized path to ballistic nuclear weapons, funding terrorism and arranging a UN Security Council resolution that determined Jews have no right to the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, the Western Wall, nor the Temple Mount, never mind Judea and Samaria as a whole, is still circling as an evil mist. UN Resolution 2334 is a highly dangerous ethno-religious cleansing resolution in relation to Jewish rights and will be nigh impossible to overturn in any conceivable future.

There are 2 sides to every situation, but importantly, the 2 sides are not always equivalent, of equal worth nor the same. Everything may seem to be a dichotomy, black/white, male/female, up/down, progressive/regressive. These are all things, ideas, that are simply defined as differences.

But we also have chaos versus order, destruction vs building, and a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to cry and a time to laugh, a time for love and a time for hate, a time for war and a time for peace, etc. Ultimately, there is good vs evil, right vs wrong.

You don’t need clever nuances to reverse what is plain to your sight. It isn’t clever to invert and pervert the obvious, what is clear, by way of convoluted argument

But not only must you recognize what is in plain sight, you must act upon it. Sometimes, it may seem brutal when you act, but failure to act, or worse, appeasement and engagement with evil will result in evil winning.

History is a good guide. Many nations of the world often gather against Jews, Jerusalem and Israel. It was almost complete in 1973 during the Yom Kippur war. Eventually, Kissinger allowed Israel to be restocked although nearly 3,000 Jews were killed due to him, many thousands more maimed and families ruined. On a purely strategic basis, this was not exactly the way for the USA to treat an ally when the Soviet Union had been restocking Egypt and Syria daily after instigating the war.  When the supplies started, only Portugal out of all Europe permitted the Azores to be used as a staging post for the planes. Every other European country denied use of their airfields, and Greece and Turkey, both permitted the Soviets to fly over their territory.

There has been a revision of history that Sadat and Assad merely wanted to regain honour and bring Israel to the negotiating table. We know that if they had the ability to destroy Israel, they would have and that would be the end of Judaism except for a few miniscule sects. Anti-Semitic enemies kill Jews whenever they have a chance, that’s why Jews are now barred from certain areas of the land of Israel. It isn’t safe for a Jew to go to many areas of their historic heartlands.

North American Jews need to listen and see what has already happened where I originally came from, the UK and Europe, and what is happening in Canada. The anti-Semites are winning, and if you don’t think the same is happening to the Democrats in the USA, then you are blind to the obvious. They have liaised with Jeremy Corbyn, an anti-Semite of the first order and terrorist enabler. He caused a huge swell of overt physical anti-Semitism in the UK, and it wasn’t great when I left. I warned that bHobama’s election would result in a global wave of anti-Semitism the likes of which had not been seen since the 1930s, and it is here now. In the UK, when I left, Jews already lived behind barbed wire, electric fence airlocks, bomb-proof glass and guards supplied only by the Jewish community because the police were unreliable, at best. 

The global wave of anti-Semitism that we face today was initiated by obama’s supposedly “only” anti-Israel actions. Wherever we see that excuse, that the anti-Semites claim they are just against the policies of the Israeli government, we see anti-Semitism thrive. I was against the policies of the Israeli government in the 1990s, but I was seeking Israel’s protection, not its destruction. The anti-Semites masquerade as human rights social justice tikkun olam warriors so that what is left of Israel shall be cleft in two again, in order for the 4 state solution to be created (the Jewish people already gave up Cis-Jordan and Gaza, plus Sinai). The 4 state solution is for a fake people created in the early 1960s for the sole purpose of destroying Israel, and Judaism. It is obvious what drives it and we know what they intend to follow. Blatant physical anti-semitism. The lies told about Israel and Jews are breath-taking and flourishing in the Democrat Party now. But what is worse, when you mix with those people and they think they are amongst friends, they openly admit what drives them.

The intersectional sewage that mixes pseudo-liberal leftists with core Islamic beliefs is there for all to read. Everyone should read the quran. It’s all there in blood and white. That’s the only way you get an understanding of where the world stands on November 2, 2020 in the cycle of Jewish history.

One need only heed the words of Golda Meir when people asked her if she was afraid, because of Israel’s need for defence, that the country may become militaristic, and she answered that she did not “want a fine, liberal, anti-colonial, anti-militaristic, dead Jewish people”.

In that line, she encapsulated that the Jewish people cannot truly survive without Israel. The attacks on Israel, are an attack on Jews. That is the obvious truth today, and you can see what is happening to France in spite of their appeasement. I lived through the malign perversions conducted by the BBC and Guardian in the UK, the hateful influence created by an insane immigration policy that first infested the Liberal Democrat Party and that has now poisoned the Labour party.

I have seen it happening later on in Canada to the New Democratic Party, the Greens and now the Liberals. There are only 338 MPs in Canada, and yet an associate of the  PFLP terrorist group managed to get 18 MPs to Israel during the summer of 2019, 7 from the ruling Liberal party, and the leader of the Green Party. The leader of the Greens in the leadership debates devolved into a full on anti-Semitic rant that became her most popular clip on her campaign trail. The poison spreads even in the green movement. The Canadian liberal Party had bHobama interfere with Canada’s last election by sending a team to help Trudeau get elected. He has meddled again since then, just as he did in Israel, the UK, the Brexit vote and in Australia’s elections. Even the so-called moderates like Pelosi of the Democrats have liaised with the proven anti-Semite Corbyn of the UK labour party, never mind the hate-mongers of aoc and her ilk. 

That is America’s future and that of its Jews, unless they act hard and act quickly; it’s a European future - Living behind security. Kids not able to walk to friend’s houses in the neighbourhood without being attacked. And the assault on Israel will result in even worse anti-Semitism on their doorsteps.  It may be too late to take back the Democratic party because once totalitarians take over a party, they do not let go without its destruction.

Under a Biden regime, Iran will get nuclear weapons and probably use them soon along with increased global terrorism, perhaps again funded by the US largesse. There will be no end to ethno-religious cleansing UN Security Council resolutions directed at Jews to be removed from their historic heartland. Funding for a genocidal anti-Semitic regime will be resumed. As I warned and it came true under bHobama, such acts encourage and enable anti-Semitism globally that was unleashed in 2008.

I don’t want another ISIS created either, and people quickly forget how prevalent they were just 4 years after being created by the last bHobama-biden administration. The Democrat party is riddled with anti-Semites and Biden has a 40 year history of it too. You cannot expect a man clearly suffering from some form of senile dementia to hold back the radicals flooding back into his administration, and he will soon be removed for the explicitly radical Harris. I use the term radical deliberately, because the Democrat Party is not seeking to implement left-wing policies any more, it is seeking policies beyond the remit of democratic norms.  

As for the general American populace, the destruction of their history and culture will continue as the radicals (not left-wingers) drive the Democrat party. Even the fact that the Democrats are pushing the minorities back into social welfare dependent status is bad for minorities, and the criminal justice reform tried by de Blasio in New York, just increased crime across the board. Division is key to radicals in that they seek to separate Americans into a hierarchy of minorities, instead of just being seen as Americans. Look out for more of that if Biden triumphs. Taxes are promised to go to 62%. As for court packing, it seems that those judges currently labelled as right-wing are merely considering the actual constitution and laws of the USA, not perverting it to a political ideology.

I don’t say to any American, nor any American Jew, to support one political party indefinitely. The political parties are not your religion and they should not be your identity. Their policies are what should guide you. If you value redistribution of wealth, open border immigration, trans rights, carbon taxes and appeasement of terrorist and tyrannical regimes more than the future of democracy, freedom, Jewish life in the USA, then so be it, go for the party that promotes those values. If not, then choose another party that stands by democracy, that has stood by Israel and stands by the Jewish people.

It is your choice.

Many Americans, especially the secular Jews, will sneer at a foreigner telling you this. I am not from the USA and don’t understand your system, etc. However, I have predicted results and seen it all before for may decades. I am here to tell you that the lesson of recent weeks is to see what is obvious, don’t try to explain it away, and that you should choose freedom and life.


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