Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Maths Exam - a Black day for logic

Maths Exam:

Select the answer that does not fit the pattern.

A) Robert Pickton – murders and guts at least 6 women, possibly 49, gets 10-25 years in prison: range = 0.2 – 4.2 years per murder

B) Michael Vick – brutalizes 8 dogs, hangs and electrocutes those that he deems weak gets 18-23 months in prison (2.5-3.3 dog months): range = 2.3 – 2.9 months per killing

C) OJ Simpson – free man: no range

D) Phil Spector – currently free man, although 10 of 12 jurors thought he was guilty: no range

E) Conrad Black – makes some investors rich, never killed anyone, share price falls to approximately 5% of 2004 value after his removal, gets 5.5 – 6.5 years in prison and to pay US$6.25 million: range = Justice

F) None of the above

Answers on a postcard to Judge Amy St. Eve, former US federal prosecutors office, Chicago, Illinois, USA.