Thursday, October 6, 2011

What Ontarions appear to be voting for. Incompetence.

There's a list of lies that Dalton McGuinty has committed in recent years. Worse for me was his manisfesto claim of no new taxes, then literally on the first day in power instigating a tax of more than $800 per person who worked for a living. However, he called it something other than a tax even though it is deducted from my pay and given to the provincial government. There's a list of incompetence ranging from eHealth ($1Billion wasted), to reversal of eco tax, to reversal on power stations and his use of racism in the last campaign. 

All of this was not technically illegal or wrong, other than lying to gullible voters and appealing to base instincts. Yet, I have never been able to figure out how Dalton McGuinty’s provincial Liberal government saw fit to pay out $25 Million of Ontario tax-payers’ money directly to the pockets of tax collectors who remained in their jobs, essentially performing the same duties with the same benefits whilst collecting HST instead of GST.

What happened to the concept of “successor employer liabilities”? Severance payments are for people who lose their jobs. In this case, no one was terminated and the government employees did not lose their accrued benefits. When a company buys another one, a purchaser is responsible for the employees’ rights, seniority and benefits going forward. In this case, the new federal employer is on the hook for future liabilities arising only if they terminate their "new" employees, yet there was no current cost being transferred. In any event, Ontario transfer payments would compensate the rest of Canada should the federal government eventually decide to get rid of tax collectors (fat chance!)

Obviously, we all love tax collectors and want to reward them with gratuitous payments for their good work. However, financially and legally, this act by McGuinty’s crew made no sense. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How Britain's Colonial Office messed up the Middle East

There has been recent correspondence and articles in the media about the creation of Saudi Arabia as a country in 1932 when the "kingdoms" of Nejd and Hejaz were united, and the odious effect of its Wahhabist theology throughout the globe. However, all seemed to miss one major negative spin off from the dealings of perfidious Albion in the area. So much of the Middle East's problems are due entirely to its handling by Britain (and to a lesser degree, France) and especially the double dealing between the British Colonial Office, which is the forerunner to the current Foreign & Commonwealth Office, and the Hashemite clans. 

It's a complicated history, but suffice to say, that during World War I, France and England conspired to take over substantial parts of the Ottoman Empire which stretched from Turkey Eastwards across most of the Middle East. The short story is that the ibn Saud clans drove the Hashemites from Hejaz and Hussein bin Ali (Hashemite king) lost his stewardship of the "holy" cities of Mecca and Medina. 

Further back, the British had encouraged an Arab revolt of sorts against the Ottoman Empire during World War I, although the success and actual results of the revolt are not recalled with great esteem. Hussein and his son Abdullah played both sides of the Ottoman and British support. With the help of British meddling, one of Hussein bin Ali's sons, Faisal became the king of Iraq after he had been deposed as King of Syria by the French. 

In the region known as "Palestine" since the Roman renaming nearly 2 millennia before, Britain had been given a League of Nations mandate to create a Jewish National Home in 1922. It's important to note that this named area of "Palestine" was not a country, but merely a region such as one might call the Rocky Mountains in Canada or the US, or the Lake District in the UK. There never was a country called "Palestine”. The area comprised the lands of Judea and Samaria, and the coastal strip near the Mediterranean together with substantial lands to the East of the River Jordan. In fact, the lands to the East made up 78% of the land mass that was intended to be used for a Jewish National Home following on from the Balfour Declaration of 1917. Many Arabs did not even consider the region a separate entity and, Syrians especially, simply regard the whole area as Southern Syria. 

Anyhow, the British colonial office undermined the intention of the Balfour Declaration and decided to use it for their purposes, thinking a sympathetic puppet would be useful to the British Empire. So, as an additional sop to the Hashemites after being driven out of what was to become Saudi Arabia by the ibn Sauds, Britain gave 78% of the land allocated for the Jewish National Home under the League of Nations mandate to another one of Hussein bin Ali's sons, Abdullah I bin al-Hussein. In the remaining 22%, when Jews were struggling to leave the Europe that would be their death bed, the British admitted more than 5 Arabs for every Jew during the 1920's and 1930’s. Vast numbers of Arabs were drawn to the Jewish-created prosperity and health services in the Palestine mandate area. Not only did the Arabs flock from Transjordan but also from Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and even from as far away as Italian conquered Libya. Emir Abdullah of Transjordan (as he now was) complained that he was fast becoming a king without subjects. 

General McMahon, the British chief of staff in Egypt, who gave Transjordan to Abdullah I bin al-Hussein stated that there was no intention to give the 22% remnant to create an Arab independent state. William Ormsby Gore, a McMahon staffer in 1916, stated to the House of Commons in 1937 “that it never was in the mind of anyone on that staff that Palestine, West of the Jordan (river) was in the area within which the British Government then undertook to further the cause of Arab independence.” 

Today, thanks to British perfidy, the 22% land remaining is Israel including Judea & Samaria (i.e. the West Bank of the Jordan river) which is currently being rent by the UN to include another Arab run entity in addition to modern day Jordan and Gaza, and to create yet another Arab run entity for the descendants of immigrants from Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Libya that the UNRWA has defined as being refugees. The UNRWA's definition of refugees is a singular definition for Arabs if they had any ancestors residing in the 22% area between 1946 and 1948, and the definition is the only instance of a refugee status being one that can be inherited. The approximately 800,000 Jewish refugees who escaped with their lives and not much else when ethnically cleansed from Arab lands after the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 are, of course, not recognized as refugees by the UN and certainly not their descendants. 

There are some interesting side items to note. Abdullah actually wanted to call his country, "Palestine", but was dissuaded by his British advisers because it would undermine the argument to drive the Jews from the area if there already was a country called Palestine. The West side of the Jordan River was called the CisJordan and the East side, Transjordan. When the British commanded Arab Legion conquered most of Judea and Samaria, and part of Jerusalem including the Jewish quarter, they ethnically cleansed all Jews from the land. Abdullah was then advised to change the name of Transjordan to Jordan, to reflect his rule over both sides of the river Jordan. Finally, the father of the notorious British traitor Kim Philby, was chief representative of Transjordan upon its creation in 1923, which shows the calibre of the person in Colonial office. Even though I am also British, I am under no illusion as to whether or not Britain has rightfully earned the moniker "perfidious Albion".  

Drug cheats do sometimes prosper (especially in football)

In one case, cheats did prosper, in another case they did not. I have railed against the cheating play of german football teams before, both at domestic and international level. I hate watching their play, always on the edge watching for a despicable sly challenge and their rolling about on the floor in epileptic fits if an opponent invades their body space. I simply don't know how they avoided the reputation that has stuck to Italians and Latin Americans. 

Anyhow, it has now been revealed that in the first World Cup Final at which testing was introduced, 3 german players failed drugs tests. The results were not released at the time, probably because England actually won, but the players escaped any sanctions for their cheating. In this case, cheats did not prosper, but they did escape punishment for their cheating. 

Of note is the peculiar case of the West German team that beat the much favoured Hungarians in the 1954 World Cup Final. There was no drug testing.  Bear in mind, the German team was comprised of amateurs and had been beaten 8-3 by the Hungarians 2 weeks earlier. The Hungarians were 2-0 up after 18 minutes, and the amateur Germans got stronger as the game went on. Many of the W. German team disappeared to a sanatorium to convalesce several weeks after the 1954 World Cup Final because they had contracted jaundice.  Although early days for drug testing, the W. Germans are believed to have been injected  with methamphetamine, a stimulant used by nazi tank crews and pilots during World War II and which was therefore familiar to the Germans. Cheats did prosper. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Where's the NDP? That's the real story.

Recently, 3 MPs of the Liberal Party of Canada went to vote for the executive of the parliamentary Canada-Israel Friendship Group. The Conservatives had approximately 60 MPs in attendance and when the votes were counted, all 6 executive positions went to Conservative MPs. Liberal MP Marc Garneau was particularly upset by this, although to me the vote does appear to simply be a function of numbers because the Liberal Party only has 34 MPs at this time, whilst the Conservatives have 166.

I believe Marc Garneau is sincere in wanting to be involved on the executive of the parliamentary Canada-Israel Friendship Group. He is a friend of Israel and indeed, of all democracies. However, whilst the newspapers and other media outlets have noted the inherent numerical disadvantage to his caucus they missed the more damning point. Not a single NDP MP of the 102 members of the loyal opposition chose to attend. With 102 members, should the NDP not have had at least 1 representative at the Canada-Israel Friendship Group meeting? 

My experience from talking to the NDP's national director and an MP about 18 months ago is instructive. When I have asked them why the dictat from “on high” gives no ability to reason about their party's support for theocratic, misogynistic, homophobic and tyrannical forces of Hamas and Hezbollah striving to eliminate a vibrant democracy with rights for all, their only response is that "it is a little confusing they support groups that don’t share their vision". Seriously. This is representative of my encounters with the NDP and they are stuck with a rigid ideological bigotry dictated from their head office on all matters. In addition, when one sees the historically ignorant Libby Davies remain a possible “kingmaker” in the NDP's leadership race, and she has (let’s be generous to her) has veered very close to outright anti-Semitism in her utterances, then one can easily ascertain what the NDP stands for in the Middle East.
I had very reasonable discussions on all issues in the past with BQ, Liberals and Conservatives, and disagreed amicably at times. Marc Garneau in particular was a pleasure to talk to, but that may be because I wanted to be an astronaut growing up.Unfortunately, I find the NDP representatives impossible to engage in discussion and stuck in pure "group-think", largely based on absolute ignorance. The NDP members are told that a stance is "left-wing" and therefore they must follow it, even if it includes support for totalitarian ideologies.  

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Gilo, South Jerusalem (not a settlement)

So the US and Quartet are “deeply disappointed” that Jews will be able to build apartments in Gilo, which is actually South Jerusalem and not a “settlement” (feel free to Google Map it). Apartments are to be built on land that is still owned by Jews (purchased before WW2), notwithstanding that Jews were ethnically cleansed from that land by the British commanded Arab Legion of TransJordan in 1948. If Jews were denied planning permission in the USA on land that they own, on the basis of their religion, then the government would likely take action against such discrimination.

The Arab world know that a Jewish state is meaningless without Jerusalem and the sites which are central to Jewish beliefs. This is why they have started screeching for Jerusalem as a new capital of a never before existent Arab country, when for centuries after its conquest by Islam, it was not even a major city. It is why Sikh, Buddhist, Christian and Hindu places of worship have been destroyed, built on or taken over and converted to mosques when Islam has conquered a nation. If Jews are not allowed to live in Jerusalem, then where can they be free to live?

VE Day @ the UN

Having suffered to listen to Mahmoud Abbas’ demagogic speech bringing all the medieval anti-Semitic blood libels up to date for the modern world, yet receiving an ovation from the tyranny dominated UN, henceforth let’s declare September 23 to be our era’s VE Day (Victory Evil Day). 
In future generations, it will be fitting to note that Abbas' speech as the first UN action supporting the creation of yet another Arab Islamic undemocratic state was one of vile bile, falsehoods and hatred. Not that there was any doubt, but tiny Israel clearly has no peace partner. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Mayoral duties

Rob Ford, the Mayor of Toronto, hosted the Prime Minister of Canada and paid for a barbeque out of his own pocket. 

Yet what do the whiners who demand entitlements from the City of Toronto say about the Mayor?  “Rob Ford did not go to Pride” seems to be all that we are ever going to hear from the entrenched, preachy, self-entitlers every time the Mayor does something that might really benefit Toronto. On a weekday Rob Ford found time to spend with someone (Prime Minister) who may actually have the clout to make a contribution to the lives of ALL Torontonians. The Mayor did not go to Pride Parade on a holiday weekend when he had pre-existing family commitments.

Whatever the Mayor tries to do to reverse the disastrous 7 years of David Miller is not really a concern to those of a particular radical political hue. For instance, is it right that the riding of ex-Mayor David Miller has 4 libraries and North York has effectively a ½? Yet any equalization of libraries is being selfishly fought by those who have a surplus. Rob Ford did not go to a Parade where the vast majority of participants detest him. Meanwhile, the organizers of Pride spend their time, funds and efforts agitating for the inclusion of an anti-Semitic hate group within their activities, rather than focusing on LGBT rights. Personally, I wouldn’t want to go to a parade where I am not truly wanted, nor one that includes haters.

The entitlement junkies are selfish brats and do not realize, or possibly care, that every $ spent on their gifts from the City diminishes the $'s and thus the services that are available to help those who truly need municipal social assistance. 

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Bitter Flotilla

I am weary of the outrageous distortions being espoused by the Bitter Flotilla enablers on behalf of Hamas, the theocratic tyranny that rules Gaza. Hamas is a terrorist regime that oppresses women and promotes homophobia, not to mention the vile anti-Semitism in its very charter. Israel removed Jews from Gaza in 2005 for the sake of the "peace process" and since then, Israeli civilians have been bombarded by over 3,000 missiles that deliberately targeted them.

Yet every 2 weeks Israel still sends over 50,000 tons of food, oil and medicine to Gaza, and supplies drinking water and electricity. A waterpark opened in Gaza this month, newly opened malls and luxury hotels flourish and Egypt has foregone the same border checks as Israel, and will now allow free flow of goods to Gaza, including weaponry. Even the UN Secretary General, no friend of Israel, urged nations to discourage the flotillas and that "legitimate crossings and established channels" should be used for supply of any aid. Clearly, the "bitter flotilla" is not about aid.

Those who embark on the bitter flotilla of pirate ships must either be ignorant of current events and history, or harbour a very deep ethno-religious bias against the tiny, yet sole pluralistic democracy in the region.

For evil to flourish, it needs followers. Evil is flourishing on the seas of the Mediterranean. 

Monday, June 13, 2011

Boycotting the boycotters

There is a strong anti-Semitic sentiment in parts of Scotland (hence george galloway’s emergence). West Dumbartonshire council have instituted a nazi-like boycott of Israeli products (we know who and what they really mean) for the crime of Israel not wanting its citizens to live under a continual barrage of missiles or alternatively, for not wanting to be wiped out entirely. Dundee council may soon follow this immoral and racist lead. West Dumbartonshite and Dundee have a long history of standing shoulder to shoulder with theocratic, racist, misogynistic, homophobic entities as they struggle to exterminate a pluralistic democracy. 

I have an extensive whisky collection of more than 80 different malt whiskies (not just 80+ bottles). Thus, I shall be instituting my own counter-boycott against these anti-Semites in the only way I know best.

There are 3 distillers in West Dumbartonshite:

Chivas Brothers                      

In bold, are those whiskies or alcohol already in my collection and which I shall not be replacing. As far as I can tell, these are the whiskies I will be boycotting in the future as a counter-protest against the sickening anti-Semites of West Dumbarton, Scotland:

Morrison Bowmore Distillers Ltd. 
Auchintoshan (vile)
Bowmore (too peaty, all of them)
Glen Garioch (worst single malt I ever tasted, in fact, worst whisky altogether)

Loch Lomond Distillery Co. Ltd  
Loch Lomond
Scots Earl
Distillery Select
Glen Scotia
Glen Douglas

Chivas Brothers
Chivas (Regal)
Royal Salute
Clan Campbell
Something Special
100 Pipers
Long John
Aberlour (good)
Glenlivet (good, thought not as good as generally proclaimed)
Glendronach (great colour)
Strathisla (good)
Longmorn (OK/good)
Scapa (OK)
Tormore (bitter aftertaste)
Jameson (generally, OK/good)
Walker Special Old
Beefeaters Dry Gin
Royal Salute
Plymouth Gin.

Please feel free to share the list.

Also, I shall not wear a kilt or eat haggis, ever. 

Friday, April 29, 2011

Where to vacation

Yesterday we had to wish RIP to yet more victims of terror. This time it was in Morocco when a bomb tore apart the main tourist square murdering and maiming many poor unfortunates caught in the blast. 

Unfortunately, I have said it before to many people and will say it again in writing. You are possibly risking your life, and definitely your civil rights, if you visit these type of countries; Morocco, Pakistan, Tunisia, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Lybia, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, TransJordan, Turkey, Lebanon, not to mention Afghanistan, Iran, Syria.......Don't go! Everyday there is another story in the press about a Westerner being kidnapped, beheaded, blown up, or simply arrested by the "honour police" in these locales for whatever crime suits their pockets at that moment. These are bad places run by bad people. 

We have seen the trend of people opting to work in these countries for excessive tax free salaries, and they supporting and promoting the ruling tyrant. When something goes wrong, these greedy immorals wail for their original countries to come and rescue them. The risk vs. reward theory works and they should abide by it. You get paid more because you are doing something risky. Crime also pays, and whilst what they may be doing is legal, it sure is not a good moral way to help these regimes survive. However, to some people that just does not matter. So, let's go back to where to vacation. 

You have a choice where to vacation. You don't need to support Fidel Castro and his execution of journalists, even if you crave affordable cigars. 

There are still a few democracies left in the world to visit and you can have a very good time. Even France and Norway qualify for this. It is true that democracies are targets for terrorists the world over, but go to a place and support democrats where the population has not sympathy for terrorist's causes. Perhaps that does actually rule out France and Norway. Go somewhere where the police don't have cadres that turn a blind eye to terrorist activities and the citizenry is not oppressed. 

Just because a place is cheap, that is no good reason to go these awful places that teem with those who don't respect human life.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Tax cuts and how to save jobs, the economy

We have an election campaign going on in Canada, although hard to notice because it is low-key and thus a very Canadian election. There has been some "outrage" expressed at possible corporate tax cuts included in one party's manifesto. I am not much of an economist even though I have an economics degree and instinctively, I also recoiled from the prospect of corporate tax cuts which would appear to make big companies richer. Then I thought a little more deeply about the Canadian $ surging high against foreign currencies and especially against the value of our biggest trade partner, the US. In simple terms, which is what best suits me, I concluded that a good way to maintain competition and therefore maintain employment for large numbers of Canadians, is for corporate tax cuts to counter-balance the increased cost of our products beyond our borders.

Having seen the economic devastation being brought to the US by continuing inane policies of Obama pouring fuel on a fire, and the fall of the UK economy to such a level that some cities are planning to light only half their street lamps, the conservative Canadian approach has kept us relatively safe in the past few years. Feels wrong to say it, yet these tax cuts may yet save many of our jobs. 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

No "cycle of violence" - moral equivalency reporting

The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is. Winston Churchill. 

Once again we had Reuters, the BBC, NY Times and Agence France-Presse spewing the pithy, but inaccurate, term "cycle of violence" to refer to the recent butchering of an Israeli family (which included the decapitation of  a 3 month old baby girl, stabbing the heart of a 4 year old, and throat slitting of an 11 year old child) the firing of more than 70 advanced missiles at civilians over 3 days and a murderous bombing in Jerusalem. Apparently, Israel's mild response in directly targeting those in the act of committing these and other atrocities, yet leaving alone those who incite, abet and otherwise provide support and succour to the terrorists, is a contributory factor to a "cycle". 

It is morally wrong to refer to a cycle of violence when talking about deliberate attacks on the civilians. 

It's quite simple how to stop a cycle, you brake. Thus, no terrorist attacks, and there will be no need for Israel to stop terrorists and no attempts by Israel to stem the flood of missiles from Iran and its proxies to Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, etc., etc.  There is no equivalence between fighting evil, and the evil committing horrific acts. 

The US is still in Afghanistan, although not allowing NATO's soldiers to fight a war to win, still in Iraq and now aimlessly bombing Libya, all derived from the 9/11 attack by Saudis and Egyptian hosted by the ruling theocrats of Aghanistan, the Taliban. The US and all democracies should be fighting evil such as the Taliban, Saddam Hussein and Gadaffi Duck, and not require the blessing of the dictatorship dominated UN. A UN that voted for Hezbollah to have a seat on the Security Council, and not Canada. The cause should be freedom, and if some peoples prefer to live in pre-medieval mindsets with modern weapons, make sure that they never turn the modern weapons against democracies. 

Terrorism is actually more akin to an engine of violence. You may have the machinery, but until the fuel is provided by those who justify the  horrific acts, pay for the missiles, guns and explosives and find violent and hateful people to murder, then the engine sits quietly. The more fuel you provide, the louder the noise gets and if too much is provided, then the whole engine, and everything in and around it, gets blown apart. 

The worst offenders for revision of history and justifying terrorists as activists and militants are the BBC and New York Times. I am sick to my stomach of their reports that expressly detail Arab casualties, whilst not detailing the number included in the calculation who were confirmed terrorists hiding and firing from the midst of their supportive population. The reports only give a generalized account of Israel's casualties, all of whom were civilians. It does not mention the estimated 10,000 Israelis maimed in terror attacks and who need prothesises, psychological and medical care for all of their senselessly blighted lives. Then quotes are provided first to terrorist groups and the proven liars speaking for tyrants, and given equal, if not more credence, than those statements issued by open democracies.

It seems insane, but the BBC and New York Times practise this form of insidious perversion better than any other outlet. Imagine the BBC giving Hitler equal air time during World War II in the interests of being fair and reporting all sides. The current BBC administration would do just that, and the UK's Channel 4 actually gave over its Christmas Day message to the wannabe Hitler of our age, Iran's Ahmenijad, in place of the British Queen. Moral decline demonstrated by moral equivalency. 

The leading and biased reporting has been encapsulated in one remarkable op-ed by UK MP, Louise Bagshawe. As far as I am aware, she is Catholic, has no Jewish constituents to speak of and no history of speaking about Israel prior to this article. And yet, it is a remarkable indictment of what the BBC's coverage of  Israel and in fact, the broader Middle East, has become.

It's time for reports to express the truth, and not a lazy and convenient adopted political truth. 

I hope I am wrong but I have a gut feeling that Iran are about to get a nuclear break-through of some sort very soon, because in recent years Hamas and Hezbollah have stepped up their attacks to divert attention from such advances. These attacks have not got nothing to do with "peace process" or lack thereof, because the Arab economy in the West Bank (Judea and Samaria prior to 1948) is doing really well. One has  never seen so many high-end Mercedes, BMWs and Audis, as there are being driven in that part of the world. I don't think even the dealerships have so many. 

In the Arab Israeli conflict, there can only be 2 outcomes. One, the Arabs continue their incessant attacks until they finally triumph and Israel, Jews and democracy disappear forever from the Middle East, and ultimately the world. Maybe there will be some crocodile tears in Europe, maybe not.  Depends if Europe will be speaking Arabic of Farsi by then. Alternatively, if Israel wins its war with terror, and that is a big "if" given the forces of evil arrayed against it, then both parties may move forward to a better future, and again as per Winston Churchill in a different setting, to "
move forward into broad, sunlit uplands". 

I know who I will be supporting. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Church of Nativity - guest writer - World Heritage Site

Should the Church of the Nativity be a World Heritage Site? Of course it should. However, a friend wrote much of the paragraph below on the current aim of the Palestinian Authority to use the designation for political purposes. Given the desecration over time by the Palestinian Authority of Joseph's tomb, the historic blocking of access to Rachel's tomb and the tombs of the Patriach in Hevron by Jordanians of all non-Muslims,  to  go alongside the Buddha destruction in Afghanistan, the Cordoba church (now mosque), oppression and murder of Copts...etc., etc., it does not seem that putting the Church in the care of the Palestinian Authority would ensure religious freedom for future generations. Let's not forget the desecration of the Church by the PA's thugs in 2002, when Fatah's al-Aqsa Brigade terrorists trashed the place whilst holding monks and nuns as shields.  

How ironic that the Palestinian Authority is initiating an application to UNESCO to designate the Church of Nativity, birthplace of Jesus, as a World Heritage Site. When surrounding Arab nations attacked Israel in 1948, the last thing the Arabs were concerned about was the preservation of sacred religious sites. The British trained and commanded Arab Legion of Jordan ethnically cleansed Jewish civilians out of their holy Old City of Jerusalem and destroyed numerous holy sites including 69 synagogues, amongst them the 250 year old Hurva Synagogue. The reality is, all holy sites in Israel, including the birthplace of Jesus, are most secure in the hands of democratic Israel and the world does not require the UN or the Palestinian Authority to legislate this protection.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

You are what you believe

There has been ongoing correspondence in national newspapers regarding self-decribed Messianic “Jews”, who are claiming to be Jews by virtue of the fact that they mimic some Jewish practices whilst holding Christian beliefs. This appears to have generated some confusion, but I can clear up the mess because the situation is quite simple.

If a Protestant converts to Catholicism, then they are now Catholic.

If a Hindu converts to being a Muslim, then they are now Muslim.

If a Sikh converts to Buddhism, then they are now Buddhist.

If one converts to another religion, that is now your religion. If one believes Jesus Christ to be the Messiah, accepts him as your personal saviour and worships as such, then one is a Christian. It does not matter what religion your ancestors practiced, your religion is what you now believe and practise. The Jews for Jesus organization created in the 1970’s to target Jews for conversion, fully encapsulates the argument in its very name; case closed. So, hopefully Jews for Jesus will now change their name to reflect what they should be proud to be, "Christians hoping to proselytise Jews for Jesus". Not as catchy, but accurate.
I suppose you can create an entirely new religion in the manner of Scientology and the Moonies, but at least they have the grace not to claim that they are representative of another religion. They are their own religions, as per the definition being belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power.

Lord knows what to do with the religious classification of atheists though.