Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy 2011? I don't think so.

Happy 2011? Although I wish 2011 to be a happy, peaceful and successful year for the world, unfortunately, I have my doubts and fears. I believe that this coming year will be a dangerous year for democracies and freedom everywhere, and I hope that I am wrong. I don’t want to be too much of a “downer”, yet I must be a realist.

The first and over-riding danger that will face the planet is that 2011 is the year that Iran will obtain fully functioning nuclear weapons. Just writing that sentence sends a chill down my spine. It does not matter how advanced these weapons will be, but the terrorist network that roams from Tehran, through Europe, across Asia and now into South America will enable some delivery system for a death load.

The second danger is Obama’s continuing appeasement of terrorists and tyrannies at the expense of democratic allies of the US. This has been the case since his election, although he was hamstrung somewhat in 2010, as he struggled to make every basic economic mistake he could whilst sticking to his ideological goals of reshaping American society in his graven image.

This is the year to be very afraid, because in spite of Obama’s economic malfeasance, the US economy will recover somewhat. It has simply dropped too far, too quickly for there not be a bounce and public spending will be at a level high enough to enable a claimed recovery. Not co-incidentally, this will be in time for the beginning of the new Presidential election season.

Timing is everything and in August 2011, the rumours are too strong to ignore that the US will succumb to reward terrorism, and under Obama’s direct instructions, will vote for the establishment of a Palestinian state on the heartlands of Judeo-Christian history. This is bad on so many fronts.

Firstly, it proves to terrorists that it does not matter how ludicrous the basis or hate inspired is your cause, if you stick at it long enough, revise history long enough, the world will go along with it. It also helps to have oil money on your side.

Secondly, there is no reason for a fellow democracy to side with the creators of global terrorism to create an anti-democratic theocratic clan ridden misogynistic and homophobic country at the expense of a democracy that has been forever plagued by attacks upon its citizenry. The current Obama administration encourages violence by refusing to even request that the PLO/PA refrain from anti-Semitic incitement yet arranging for Lt General Dayton to train a terrorist army in waiting, whilst euphemistically calling the heavily brigades a "police" force.

Thirdly, the destruction of religious freedom for Jews and Christians for the benefit of a contrived Islamic “history”. The US will support the stripping away of the ability of a religion to freely visit its holy places in peace. No longer will Jews be able to visit the Tombs of the Patriarchs, Rachel and Joseph, Shechem or a thousand other places resonant from the Bible and places in which Jews lived until ethnically cleansed by Transjordan (now Jordan) in 1948. Already, since the idiocy of Oslo 1993 and the dumping of the PLO mafia over the local Arab population, we have seen the harassment of Christians in the regions vacated by Israel to the PA and the severe reduction in their numbers.

And worst of all, US support for division of Jerusalem and the handing over of the site of the Jewish Temple wholly to the whims of the Wakf. Again, in support of ethnic cleansing of Jews from the area because Jordan managed this odious feat for 19 years out of more than 3,000 years of Jewish attachment to the entire city.  Obama and his cronies deny the right of Jews to build homes on Jewish owned land in their historic capital. Land and building freezes which the PA had never demanded prior to Obama's instigation. In spite of the fashioning of world wide support for such an evil idea of another ultimately theocratic Muslim tyranny, the US erstwhile allies will understand that this means that the US cannot be relied upon.

Bizarrely, Obama can only win on a personal front from such a stance though. It solidifies the radical left wing support of his party for the revised history, although why the left-wing support is congealing around a movement that stands for everything against supposed left wing values is beyond me. Note that August 2011 when this effective creation of a new Muslim state is expected to happen will be just before Obama baptizes himself in re-election fever. He will ride the coat-tails of the economic bounce and his “peace” credentials, and the fact that the Republican party currently has no credible candidate to replace him.

Obama’s craven cowardice in the face of the threats facing freedom will not be reported as appeasement, until the pages of history are turned decades from now, hopefully in a democracy somewhere.

Unfortunately, the only moral leadership in the world appears to be that of Canada but it is not a country big enough to lead the free world, and the morality is largely being borne by a minority government. Australia is not far behind, but between them, these two countries only call on a population of approximately 50 million souls. The UK is effectively bankrupt, both in moral standing and funding, driven there by the delinquency of a social welfare state that expanded beyond the capacity of society to pay for it or impose any duty or judgment on those making ever-increasing demands. The rest of a Europe dominated by Germany and France are hardly placed to take moral leadership on any front, never mind that they are struggling to stay afloat economically, each with their own welfare demands.

Iran is laughing at all this, so is the axis of Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas, whilst Turkey will continue to plan to get what it can get from Europe whilst lurching into the Islamist worlds. You may have noticed that I not mentioned Al Qaeda, and this is because it has metamorphosed more into an inspiration than a truly organized terrorist group. It is still operational with the Taliban across Afghanistan and Pakistan, but its true offensive operations are limited to that neighbourhood. Nonetheless, it serves as a recruiting call to many across the globe who ascribe to the same belief system, and who are prepared to act without significant material support. It used to be said that an army travels on its stomach, but this new force is an army travelling on communicating its hate-filled beliefs.

Once Israel is effectively terminated this year, does any rational person truly believe that this will end the clash of civilizations? How goes the rest of the free world when good has been framed as bad, and true evil assisted in reaching its declared goals? All questioning lost to what is deemed to be political incorrectness if it does not fit into a pre-determined revisionism, and castigation for those who read contemporaneous history books and remember what really happened. The question is where next, and as the Soviet Union fell, so will America be believed to be ripe for a fall. No country seeking to compete with the US has no reason to stand in the way of this, as it seeks to replace the US hegemony. The US could have been a power for good, instead it is withering away from inaction in the face of an evil spread.

Obama will be remembered as the President who not only appeased but sided with fiction and terror, and set back freedom for many in the world, not only in this generation. In future years, he will be seen as Chamberlain is now. A man trying to do his best in good will but failing, or refusing to see, the evil that besets the world. Earth is about to get a lot more dangerous this year.

Those who practice freedom of thought and action should be truly afraid of 2011. Happy New Year.

I hope I am entirely wrong.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Toronto's next Mayor - what is at stake on October 25

Toronto will elect its next mayor on Monday October 25, 2010. There are 3 head line candidates, of which only 2 have a chance of winning. I have heard all of them speak live and these are my conclusions.
The 2 candidates with a chance of winning are Rob Ford, a current councillor, and a Liberal Party insider, George Smitherman.

Rob Ford - you get what you see. Someone hard-working, committed to his word with rough edges. He plays hockey and gets into fights on the ice, drinks beer and has smoked weed. In other words, a typical Canadian, which has not go down well with the media elites in Toronto. He is not a great speaker, but his content is clear and straight-forward, and always attempts to do what he says. You may not like his ideas (I do actually), but like Margaret Thatcher, there will be no ambiguity about what he aims to do.

And Smitherman, who should be regarded as the Liberal Party's poor choice to support when they had Rocco Rossi. However, it is all about internal connections on that front. When speaking, Smitherman came off as smug, mouthed some platitudes and like a good career politician simply did not answer the relatively easy questions asked, but went off at tangents. It was surprising because the questions were right along his sweet spots of art & culture, Pride and transit, and the audience was probably most skewed towards him at the outset. All candidates were asked about Toronto funding for the gay Pride parade in light of the inclusion of the anti-Semitic QAIA group, yet Smitherman was only concerned with the effect on the gay community, not the fact that city money was supporting hatred of a minority. Because some in the gay community happen to be racist, the issue of funding became complicated for him and even though they are taking tax-payers' money, it is up to the gay community to sort out. I cannot imagine Smitherman thinking that a homophobic group wanting to join the Santa Claus parade that receives city funding should be allowed to do so in the interests of free speech, nor that the determination of the homophobic group should be left to Santa Claus, his reindeer and the elves. Rob Ford, to his credit, said the issue is not complicated and that property tax-payers money should not go to any group, parade or institution which includes hate-speech in its programs.

It seemed to me that Smitherman thought he had already won the election from the way he spoke. He had an air of arrogance about his pseudo-intelligent responses befitting a career politician. So I looked into his background achievements and I just don’t see a track record of competency.

When Smitherman was the Minister of Health, there was the eHealth fiasco over which he had control and cost Ontarians approximately $1 Billion for a system that does not work. On October 21, the Ontario Auditor-General released a report finding great fault with the sole-sourcing of contracts at the Ontario Ministry of Health, leading to over-priced and inefficient service when Smitherman was Minister of Health. When he was in charge of the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Commission, we had numerous scandals with the lottery sellers stealing prizes from the rightful winners and no investigation, never mind action, was ordered by Smitherman. Smitherman was Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty's deputy, a man who promised no new taxes in his manifesto and literally on the day he took power instituted a health tax of nearly $1,000 per year per person. He called it a fee, not a tax, so that was alright with the electorate when re-election came round. It was also alright with the electorate when a winning campaign that bordered right on the edge of racism was used to attack equal school funding for minorities. We also have Smitherman's time as Ontario Energy Minister pushing for green energy with solar energy rebates to big businesses who can afford to put in such panels (i.e. Ikea) at approximately 5.5 times the cost of current electricity costs. I must admit, I do not know much about Toronto's time with Barbara Hall as its mayor and Smitherman as her deputy, but I do hear that she was not missed when she went. That is also reportedly a time when Smitherman was a "party drug" addict for 5 years, whatever a party drug is. Whilst we may forgive that faux pas of 5 years, do we really need to forget that someone who represented the city's interests during that period was high?

In summary, Smitherman has proved his incompetence at various levels of provincial and municipal politics. He is a career politician and has had no accountability for his failures. To me, he appears to have rightfully earned the nickname of "Slitherman". Can Toronto afford another incompetent mayor for 4 years and still retain a decent quality of life?

That is what is at stake on October 25.

$Wayne$ $Rooney$

Not much comment needed on this saga. As I mentioned before "it is purely about money for him and his agent". Either way, his gangster related agent wins. A transfer fee commission now, or a bigger transfer fee commission later as a longer contract has been signed together with a renegotiation fee.

Still worry about Rooney losing it completely and doing a Gazza.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Spoke too Sooney

Looks like I spoke too soon regarding Wayne Rooney's travails, and it has emerged that he wants to leave the football club that has nurtured the raw talent acquired from Everton. If he wants to leave Manchester United for footballing reasons, then it is incomprehensible, although common sense is not one of his strong-points. He has won more trophies in a few years at United than most top-flight professionals win in their whole careers. There are only a handful of top class, truly great global clubs, these being Manchester United, Real Madrid, Barcelona, Juventus, AC Milan and Inter Milan. At this time, only Real Madrid could afford his wages, yet he would not fit into their current playing system. Inter have Benitez at the helm for the moment, so that is not a good idea if one wants to have a successful footballing career.

So, we are left with the conclusion that he needs to leave the UK for an undisclosed reason, or more likely, it is purely about money for him and his agent. Agents earn more from transfers than renegotiating contracts. Who can afford his wages? Probably 3 clubs only... Real Madrid, Chelski and Dubai City. Who could he possibly win things with? Only Real Madrid and Chelski. Yet he could still earn phenomenal sums of money as the figurehead of Manchester United and win more European Cups and Premier Leagues.

At only 24, he should have his best playing days to come, although he has already been a professional for 8 years, so he could have already peaked. Yet there is a tragedy waiting to happen if he is guided by persons who do not have his footballing career at the forefront. Whilst it is true that he will only have a short career and money is a consideration, failure and being a bit part supporting player at another club will not provide extra income in the long term. It is hard to analyse what has happened and what is going through his head now, however, the danger is that he will end up being a Gazza, who thrilled for a short time but ultimately wasted his talents at smalller clubs than his skills deserved.

Hopefully, Wayne will come to his senses, but in the current football world where money corrupts, I fear not.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Boston Red Sucks take over Livepoo Football Club

This is great news... for followers of Manchester United. Following the takeover of Livepoo Football Club by the Boston Red Sucks ( I used to be neutral about them until this purchase), Jamie Carragher has committed to another 3 seasons at Lovepoo. I am very excited about this contract extension because Carragher is now an appalling player, who is slow and prone to panicking when put under pressure. May Lovepoo also suffer at least 86 years between championships.

A poor purchase in a militantly union town that has permanently scared away industry, leading to a terminal decline in spite of the make-up desperately being daubed on its facade.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wayne Rooney

Wayne Rooney is doing well in his sexual rehabilitation. No scandals for nearly 3 weeks now. Keep it up, Wayne (so to speak).

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fight Time - anti-Semite galloway visits Canada and threatens Immigration Minister

That thug and terrorist enhancer and enabler, george (POS) galloway visited Canada to spew his vile lies and hatred this weekend. It was so sad that the Canadian media chose to treat the evil man with kid gloves and repeat his filthy slurs. A man whose history is littered with cozying up to dictators and terrorist sponsors. Anyhow, not only did galloway do his normal racist gig, but he threatened to sue and to fight the Immigration Minister, Mr. Jason Kenney, who previously acted in a correct manner to keep this hater of the country.

Well, I would like to volunteer to fight galloway on Minister Kenney's behalf, although with this being Ontario, I would like to fight under recently licensed Mixed Martial Art rules, so that I can kick the Shiite out of galloway. Given that galloway is such a BIG FAT LIAR, someone may need to replace me who is in the Super Heavyweight class.

Obama's beliefs

Although 18% of Americans erroneously believe Obama to be a Muslim, and 43% more are confused as to his true beliefs, one thing without question is that in foreign policy thought and deed, Obama is an Arab. Everything else he professes to believe in is mere commentary. Watch this space for 2011 to be an aggressive year of acquiescence to the threats of Syria, Hamas/Hezbollah, Iran and Turkey (S.H.H.I.T axis).

New flags of convenience

Latest trick of the anti-Semites running the Israel is apartheid campaign is to target the later grades of high school children so that they can hit the ground running with the hatred crowd when they get to university. No need to lose a term indoctrinating them at university with the revisionist and false histories. Out of this is a new attack on Israel. The logic is that because some non-Jewish people live in the sliver of land that represents the sole Jewish country and claim in the globe, the Jewish country should not be allowed to have a flag with a Jewish symbol, or a national anthem that refers to the 2,000 years of yearning to return to Zion as a free people. So, let's leave on one side the hypocrisy of the haters supporting and funding theocratic, homophobic, misogynistic, terrorist tyrannies against a fully functioning democracy, and examine their latest act which came to fruition with a Grade 11 (17 year old) kid in Canada getting her hatred published in the national newspaper. Perhaps the Grade 11 kid's only defence is ignorance, but I doubt that she wrote the letter to inspire or learn, merely to attack.

There are 82 nominally Christian countries and we have not seen any complaints about Australia, New Zealand, Scotland, Finland, Dominican Republic, Scandinavian countries…etc. having a cross on their flags, or on the sports shirts of Portugal and Brazil. When Mohammed became the most popular boys’ name in London, England and Wales, why was this kid not complaining that the Cross of St. George and the Union Jack should be scrapped? Where are the complaints about the 56 Islamic countries flying a crescent or including green on their flags. I wonder how the Bahai and Zoroastrians feel about the Iranian Islamic flag?

Surely the provision of equal rights to all citizens of Israel, Jewish or not, gives the lie to the truly offensive apartheid claim. It is not surprising that not all the inhabitants are Jewish and yet the percentage of Jews is high, especially if one factors in events of recent centuries which included the slaughter of Jews, the Ottoman Empire oppression of the Jews struggling to survive in the Holy Land and Perfidious Albion preventing Jews fleeing the Nazi horror to the remaining 22% of the League of Nations area that was mandated for the Jewish homeland before Britain gave more than 78% to the Hashemite clan as a pay-off, then one can presume that the Jewish population of Israel should have been much higher than it is today. It is amazing that in only 60 years, nearly 50% of a people of just under 13 million have returned from 107 countries to their ancestral homeland after being dispersed for nearly 2,000 years.

Israel is hugely accommodating of all religions and one can visit Christian, Muslim, Bahai and Jewish sites unhindered. The Druze and Samaritans worship as they like without oppression. In comparison, the Church of the Nativity and Joseph’s tomb have been desecrated under Palestinian Authority rule. Transjordan barred Jews from the Wailing Wall and Hebron after they made captured areas Judenrein in 1948 and destroyed the 68 synagogues in the Jewish Quarter. I may just be a person who knows a little more than what is taught in the 11th grade, but I feel very strongly that one should not impose a separate standard, based on ignorance, upon the single Jewish country. The grade 11 kid, Darci Bloom Bertrand ,should get a failing grade.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tiger Woods' school for athletes

Wayne Rooney has now apparently joined the ranks of Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, John Terry, Cashley Cole, Kobe Bryant, etc. etc (and Hugh Grant!). The British media are astounded that famous athletes surrounded by sycophants, who have to travel away from home regularly and who are fabulously wealthy at a young age succumb to the company of women who are not their wives. The brouhaha reminds me of the Mrs. Merton chat show interview of Debbie McGee, the young wife of the much older, vertically and facially challenged magician known as Paul Daniels. The first question to Debbie McGee was "What was it that first attracted you to the millionaire Paul Daniels?"

Whilst we may be disappointed with the morals of the athletes, we should not be surprised that the athletes enjoy the company of various women. They have the funds and the cash cow is often protected for long times by their handlers. The question that really should be asked is, why do these athletes actually bother to get married in the first place?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

An Arabic "Je ne regrette rien "

Many self-described moderate Muslims are asking why they should apologise for or collectively condemn the acts of 9/11 because they were not personally involved in the actual attacks? Perhaps I can help. The 9/11 terrorist attack was committed by Muslims, who were provided material support by other Muslims and their dastardly plans were not revealed by family, friends, mosque co-worshippers and co-religionists who were aware of the plot. Even subsequent to the attack, there was not a lot of voluntary help provided to the authorities in tracking down the evil-doers. All of these people justified their behaviour by reference to their faith. It may be an incorrect understanding of what Mohammed prophesized as the message of Allah, but the fact remains that the terrorists and enablers were inspired by his reported message.

The only regret I have ever heard expressed by Arabs, both Muslim and Christian, is that the terrorists’ acts impacted on their lives personally. The first words I heard on the day of 9/11 from a Christian Arab were simply “how could those bastards do this to me?” The bastards had hurt his business because he had just opened up a new store in an airport that day and the attack would affect air travel (in spite of him being told not to open another store by his bank, who were not prepared to continue funding a guy who ignored covenants, diverted funds due to the bank away from them and generated losses whilst paying himself and family large amounts). There was not a word about the deaths of thousands, or the extent of the horror unfolding that day for so many families.

Further reports from everyday Muslims to world class squash players have only ever concentrated on the fact that they now need visas to visit certain countries. Yet there is no profiling allowed as we recently saw from footage at Montreal airport even though the probable ladies were in full burka. I regularly get stopped for additional screening and I presume it is because middle-aged, Caucasian accountants are a big threat group. On one trip to the UK about 3 years ago, 4 male Arabs in big headdresses covering most of their face were allowed to walk through customs before me with a joke and a smile from the customs lady. I thought that Muslim men could uncover their faces without affecting their modesty. On my turn, I was told by the customs lady to remove my baseball cap in a very curt manner as I should not turn up at her desk with a hat on. She was not impressed when I asked her why she just allowed the 4 non-UK citizen gentlemen in front of me to go through without removing their headdresses. I was lucky to get back into my country of birth after that comment.

So, to return directly to the issue of regrets or apologies. If a member of my family or community were to commit a terrible crime, I would denounce the crime and the person. I would be personally embarrassed, and to the extent that I am able, I would apologise to society on behalf of my community and admonish the criminal. I would try to ensure that the criminal would never do such a thing again, nor that their act encourages others to follow. I would not justify their crime nor blame society as a whole for the crime committed against it. Meanwhile, we see an unrepentant ummah and vicious supremacist hate being spread to the next generation of Muslims.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Mosque versus Hotel at Ground Zero

Recently, the defenders of those who protect from our unknowing racism have sought to justify the building of a mosque, Cordoba House, adjacent to the site of Ground Zero in New York. The civil libertarians believe that the spot, where terrorists of the Muslim persuasion created carnage of thousands of innocents is an appropriate spot to build a mosque, and that anyone who thinks otherwise is being racist. Some have even sought to justify the mosque because a hotel has been built nearby, The World Center Hotel, and if commerce can come into the area then so can a mosque.

Their argument falls apart because World Center Hotel did not kill nearly 3,000 people on 9/11 and is not part of a homicidal chain that wants us to understand the murderers’ grievances. The World Center Hotel is not planning other terror attacks, nor keeping quiet as other “militant” hotel chains plan attacks, nor does it provide funding for terrorism through “humanitarian” soap collections, and nor does it justify terror whether by reference to the root causes of not having enough bath towels or to the holy Manual of Hotel Management.

As for Cordoba House’s aims being innocent and moderate da’wa, it is to be noted that Islamic practice is to build on conquered holy or historic places of other cultures. The building of the original Cordoba mosque was on the site of a church to commemorate the Muslim conquest of Spain. This is the message that the Islamic world will understand by building of this structure in its proposed location.

Intrepid reporters have confirmed to us that the sources of funding for the project are all from parties with multi-cultural and religious courtesy at the forefront of their donations, even though the project organizers themselves cannot, or will not, divulge the funders. And even though the putative imam, Feisal Abdul Rauf, thinks that the USA is an accessory to the crimes committed on 9/11 and that Hamas is not a terrrorist group. Hint: read the Hamas charter and its quoting of the forged Protocol of the Elders of Zion as fact, and that there is no solution for the Palestinian question except through jihad.

Perhaps in a display of mutual respect, now would be a good time for the Wahhabists of Saudi Arabia to allow a synagogue to be built in Yathrib (formerly Medina). It is the city which gave refuge to Mohammed and his followers before they slaughtered the Jewish adult males by decapitation, shared out some women amongst themselves and sold the remaining women and children into slavery. Nice way to show thanks for hospitality. New York has already enjoyed similar "hospitality" and by encouraging the Cordoba House to go ahead, it is to be hoped that they will not suffer such hospitality in the future.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Whiff of Ignatieff

Michael Ignatieff recently decided that his preferred method of appealing to the Canadian electorate was to effectively refer to the Prime Minister of Canada as the Devil. A man who has spent the majority of his life soaking up pseudo intellectual champagne socialism on foreign shores had the gall to allege that Prime Minister Stephen Harper has the "whiff of sulphur" upon him. On September 25, 2009, Hugo Chavez, the dictator of Venezuela spoke at length at the UN in New York and when referring to the US Presidency used the phrase “the smell of sulphur is gone”. Following the end of the South African World Cup, we now have found a practical use for the irritating vuvuzuelas, drowning out Ignatieff’s unoriginal slurs. When Ignatieff has to resort to regurgitating Chavez and translating old Hungarian proverbs, then it is fair to say that Ignatieff’s impact on history will be no more than the “whiff of scent on a lady’s handkerchief” (Lloyd George). Or perhaps, if we are using other people’s insults, we can say that there is “something of the night” about Ignatieff (Widdecombe). I just hope nobody tells me that I have a whiff of Ignatieff about me. Is this what now passes for vibrant political debate?

Friday, June 25, 2010

How to tell if you are a drunk driver and an anti-Semite.

If I am drunk and kill someone, it means that I am drunk driver, even if I believed I was under the legal alcohol limit.

Drinking and driving mean that you are a drunk driver.

There are some people who claim merely to be anti-Zionist and act against Israel based on falsehoods (and some politicians do it to further their political careers by grubbing for votes at the lowest common level e.g. Obama, all the UK parties and the NDP/Liberal parties in Canada). Supporting action against the only Jewish state based on lies, revised history and perverted arguments demonstrates a bias.

Many of these people also claim that they do not have anti-Semitic beliefs.

Anti-Semitic and racist acts mean that you are an anti-Semite.


NDP's perfidy

Canada recently had a perfect example of how the "left-wing" defends its support of fascist, misogynistic, theocratic, terrorist tyrannies.

For those who do not know, Libby Davies is an MP for the riding of Vancouver East in Canada, deputy leader of the extreme left New Democratic Party ("NDP") and the NDP's leader in the House of Commons. She is also an anti-Semite.

The NDP is the sort of party whose primary concern is for the welfare of Taliban terrorists at the hands of the Afghan police rather than for Canadian and NATO soldiers who have been maimed or killed by IEDs laid by the Taliban or Al Queda. The NDP roundly criticize the Canadian Armed Forces for handing over captured terrorists to the governing authorities of Afghanistan.

This is the sort of woman who wanted Israel investigated by the UN when Hamas terrorists used a UN school for cover when firing at Israel, and Israel responded to the source of fire. Not Hamas, nor UNRWA for having terrorist members in their employ or for letting terrorists use their facilities.

Anyhow, given her background, it was not unsurprising that her tongue slipped at an recent anti-Israel rally and in a revision of real history claimed  that the “occupation of Palestine (sic)” began in 1948 and espoused support of a boycott of Israel. Basically, Jews have no rights to their homeland and the 22% that they do currently have from the land promised via the Balfour Declaration and San Remo conference should be handed over to those Arabs who surged into the economically revitalized land from Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and what was TransJordan (the 78% pay-off to the Husseinis). Not enought that the Ottoman Empire had oppressed and attempted to ethnically cleanse the land of Jews for centuries. Anyhow, moving on, the radical haters immediately moved to defend Davies from criticism of her anti-Semitic ignorance.

In many media sources, defenders were given prime spots and accused those who criticized Libby Davies' overt anti-Semitism of racism and an anti-human rights agenda. Talk about the world gone mad, and evil logic applied.

The defence of Davies contained the proto-typical treatment of those who disagree with the self-described left wing. Simply smear anyone else as racist and anti human rights, whilst absolutely avoiding any real consideration of facts and pervert history to create a voodoo narrative of a previously determined hip cause. Meanwhile, support a nihilistic, theocratic and misogynistic tyranny with genocidal desires in their very charter against a democratic nation, Israel, which still supplies thousands of tons of aid weekly to those who voted for their enemy to power and those who aid and abet them in terrorist activity. An enemy that receives more aid per capita than any other society in history.

Of course, Smiling Jack Layton, the leader of the NDP has done nothing of any value. Canada admitted 600,000 Muslims via immigration since 1990, and he wants their votes. Doing the right thing is irrelevant when so many votes are up for grabs.

Well, I have news for these "left wing" fascists; your support for the fascist ideology of the Syrian, Hamas, Iranian and Turkish axis is not progressive (work out your own acronym). I can tell the difference between right and wrong, between good and evil, between tyranny and democracy, between oppressive racism and freedom. I remember history as it happened, not as the NDP hierarchy and their ilk reinvent it. Your  smears are repulsive to all those for whom human rights truly matter.

Monday, June 14, 2010


If you know what a vuvuzela is, then please let me know what is the point of them.

They are ruining the 2010 World Cup coverage with their incessant and irritating buzzing noise. They have nothing to do with African heritage. Is it just to give some commercial incentive to pirate manufacturers?

And, if you don't know what a vuvuzela is, then I envy you.

Abdul Baset Ali al-Megrahi still Living Long and Prospering

Remember Abdul Baset Ali al-Megrahi, the Libyan terrorists freed on compassionate grounds by the Scottish government on August 20 2009 following medical advice that he had terminal prostate cancer and  less than three months to live? The convicted terrorists responsible for 270 deaths? The convicted terrorist given a welcome parade when delivered to Libya's tender care.

Still alive in Libya.

Still can’t trust terrorists to live up to their promises.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Toronto's Pride - Straight Men Against Gay Paedophilia

Toronto's Council has voted to withhold funds from Toronto's Gay pride parade if a hate group called "Queers against Israeli Apartheid" ("QuAIA") is allowed to attend. To its credit, the Pride Parade organisers have withheld inclusion of the reprehensible QuAIA's, although many of the 2010 parade honourees have withdrawn in support of QuAIA's right to proliferate swastikas on Jewish symbols. If one removes anti-Semitism from the equation, then is is incomprehensible that any gay group would support theocracies that actively persecute and murder homosexuals simply for being homosexuals, and especially incomprehensible that they would do so against a democracy with protected gay rights. In response, I have decided to join the parade this year.

I wish to join the Toronto Pride Parade with a float entitled “Straight Men Against Gay Paedophilia”. I am hoping that my float can fill the spot vacated by QuAIA because just as with QuAIAers and those that are supporting the hate group by withdrawing from Pride, my float will only have a tangential relationship to Gay and Lesbian rights.....but it does have “Gay” in its title. My float also has a hateful, offensive and untrue reference which is unfortunately believed by a large number of bigots.

Perhaps those who have chosen to boycott Pride in Toronto can institute a parallel march on the streets of Tehran, Mecca, Damascus or Ramallah with their non-closeted associates from under those regimes. QuAIA’s float will get a very warm welcome in those cities, although much different to the one they would enjoy in Israel. Actually, scrub Tehran, I almost forgot that they cannot have a parade in Tehran because Ahmenijad has informed the world that Iran does not have any homosexuals.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Gaza Flotilla? Terrorists one and all

What was the aim of the "activist" Hamas supporters within the "Gaza Flotilla"? Humanitarian aid? No, over a million tons of aid (food, medicine, equipment, etc.) has been delivered to Gaza from Israel since its retreat. The "activists" created a win-win confrontation, such that if they were let through Israel's coastal waters, they could claim they have freed Arab rights to a piece of Israel and reclaimed it for the Ummah. If not, with the aid of most of the world's media they could always point to Israeli aggression, even as those on board with hearts so full of hate, prepared to attack the rightful boarders with carfefully crafted and smuggled cold weaponry. And casualties would be the icing on the cake for the "activist" organizers with their subsequent crocodile tears.

Hamas, Turkey and other anti-Semites can truly raise a flag on their ships with the tagline, "Mission Accomplished".

Every item that would have got through to Hamastan would free up resources for Gaza to launch more "activist" attacks. Less time having to be spent smuggling, whether it be Katushyas, guns, BMWs, jacuzzis or cement.

As far as I am concerned, those that enable terror through criminal acts are guilty of terror.

And those countries that allowed such ships to leave with a manifest of terror support should be ashamed of themselves and sanctioned. But, of course, that won't happen. Israel decided not to be a victim for once and that must have consequences in the diplomatic world. How dare they protect their citizens. Shame on them.

So, those countries sqwawking loudest are those that permitted ships with a manifest of hate to be launched against a democracy under attack by theological terrorists. They are the ones with a case to answer, not Israel who acted to protect their citizens.

To use the terrorist supporters' analogy, any Israeli child is a legitimate terror target because they may grow up to serve in the Israel Defence Forces. Horror of horrors, Israelis (code for Jews by the haters) may seek to defend themselves from those who would eradicate them. And then, there are those take physical action in support of a terrorist theocratic tyranny seeking the eradication of the Israeli children. So, it seems fair to me that the terrorist enablers should be a target for a sovereign democracy protecting its citizenry.

What would you consider people who send aid and equipment to the Taliban in Afghanistan and react violently if they are stopped? Now consider people seeking to provide unnecessary aid and equipment to a terrorist tyranny that has perpetrated innumerable terror attacks against the civilains of a democracy. The same tyranny that commits its theological underpinnings to complete and utter eradication of its Jewish targets. If you come to the conclusion that I have, they are both terrorist enablers then welcome to the world of clear sighted morality not one blinded by hatred and oil.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Richard Goldstone - Moser Extraordinaire for our Age

What is a "moser"? It is a Richard Goldstone. It is an informer on the Jewish community, but generally understood to be an informer that provided lies to anti-Semitic authorities, thereby providing a basis for oppressive actions, whether these be pogroms, expulsions or unbearable taxes. The blood libels are believed to have originated from such persons.

Now, who is Goldstone? A South African judge looking for advancement at the UN, and even some rumour, that he wants to be the UN's Secretary General in spite of him having some Jewish background. He was appointed as the nominatively Jewish fig leaf by the UN Human Rights Council (there's a contradiction in terms if one looks at the members and their acts) to lead an entirely biased fact finding mission into the Gaza War/Operation Cast Lead in order to reach the pre-determined conclusion that Israel was guilty of war crimes for simply trying to deal with terrorists attacking their civilian population. The mission was made up of people who had openly boasted of their anti-Israel prejudices, at best, even before being named to his mission. Of course, this farce produced the report demanded by the so-called UN Human Rights Council and Israel was, of course, found Israel guilty for acting against a terrorist tyranny that used the UNRWA, civilians, mosques and hospitals as shields. There were some minor murmurings in report against Hamas, although not by name, for their 8 year barrage of Southern Israel civilians. So, on to Goldstone himself, his recent moans and how decent people should react to such a person.

Goldstone provided legal blessing for a modern day blood libel to be propogated to the world. Without going through Goldstone’s wholly unpleasant and immoral report, suffice to say that it relied on a biased research team, biased NGO unsupported allegations and took the word of terrorists, terrorist supporters and terrorist enablers as truth, whilst belittling the victim's testimony and years of suffering under terror attacks. He ensured that the false voices of tyrannical theocracy were heard and given credence, and silenced those of a democracy seeking only to protect its citizens from vacated land that had been turned into a missile launching pad.

I would expect no better from a judge of a true apartheid regime. His actions have ensured that many Jewish families will be sitting shiva in the future. Not only will Israeli soldiers not have the wherewithal to fight terrorists properly, but this report has played into the hands of those seeking to have Iran obtain nuclear weapoms, with all that acquisition means for the future actions of Hez'bollah, Hamas, etc.

In the Middle Ages, Jews suffered from blood libels based on the lies of so-called informers. Many Jews were killed, many tortured and the lucky ones escaped to other pastures of hate.

There are obviously a range of opinions from right to left in Jewish communities and those extended communities that take an interest in World affairs, both on religious and political grounds, however, Goldstone had crossed the line beyond anything remotely arguable or acceptable and has stood as a defender of those who wish to finish the Nazis' work. Previously, such people were put in cherem (excommunicated) and I can think of nothing more fitting for Goldstone. I can think of no more damaging a role that a Jew could take to attack other Jews. I can think of no more damaging a role that any person could take to attack their extended family than bearing false witness in this manner.

The true disgrace is that this liar, this man who has instigated hatred of not only of Israel, but Jews, is to be protected within the very community that his actions will help destroy. Obama will use this perverted report in 2011 to announce the next Arab state and take away access to Jewish holy sites, including large swathes of Jerusalem. Once Auschwitz is reconvened and Jews are once again concentrated in a sliver of land, the end of Israel, and hence Judaism as we know it, will occur.

Goldstone recently wanted to attend a bar-mitzvah of a grandson in South Africa and demanded assurances from the synagogue that no one would react to his attendance with disdain or protest. What an arrogant man. There is no point in his grandson having a bar mitzvah because thanks to his grandfather’s enabling of hatred, there will be many others having no bar mitzvahs in the future. With a grandfather like him, what is the point of being Jewish in the future. Goldstone, and those who wish to associate with him should be shunned by Jews and good people the world over.

Goldstone has already relocated to the hive of his anti-Semitic NGOs, and the shame is that he has not gone to live with his friends in Gaza, or Nablus or Ramallah.

There should be no coddling or politeness shown to this evil man.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

No Nuclear Deterence with Iran

The tyrants ruling the Iran have freely admitted that they don't care if tiny Israel retaliates against a nuclear attack because Israel will still be wiped out due to its minute dimensions, and yet the Islamic world will continue because of its great size.
Iran will attack when it gets the capability. It will probably be through Hezbollah or Hamas, because they already have short range delivery systems, and this allows Iran plausible deniability. Thus, Israel cannot rely on the US or anyone else to retaliate when Iran attacks.

There are no religions other than Islam remaining free and without fear of oppression in any one of the 56 states of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, and that's the way they like it.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Peace in our time

Recently, good people have been asking how they can solve the Arab-Israeli conflict and what compromises can be had from both sides in order for this to happen. My melancholy assessment is that there will be no peace in our time, but the only peace process that may succeed is via time and a change in the appetite for oil resources.

A Jewish state without Jerusalem and access to their holy sites in Judea and Samaria is meaningless, and so Israel cannot give away its core meaning without it fading away as a Jewish state. The Arab world know this, and it is why they have suddenly started screeching for Jerusalem as a new capital of a never before existent country, when for centuries after its conquest by Islam, it was not even a major city. It is why Sikh, Buddhist, Christian and Hindu places of worship have been destroyed, built on or taken over and converted to mosques when Islam has conquered a nation. We are at the stage of history that if Israel is destroyed, then Judaism will disappear and never to arise again. The Islamic world knows this, and seeks it. It is not that there is a need for another corrupt Arab Islamic theocratic tyranny peopled by the descendents of emigrants from Syria, Iraq, (Trans)Jordan and Lebanon in the 1930’s and 1940’s. From the Islamic side of things, this is a religious war, and is simply about eradicating Judaism before moving onto Christianity.

Thus, the only way peace will eventually descend is for Israel to survive until oil ceases to be the critical factor in the world’s manufacturing and transport mechanisms. This may take up to 200 years, and will involve surviving increasingly desperate attempts to destroy Israel as the Arab and Muslim world lash out before their resource influence wanes. Once this blinding factor disappears, then those right-thinking persons without anti-Semitic prejudice will see the argument for what it truly is. The core is that the Islamic world wants to destroy Israel, and Jews simply want to survive in their homeland without threat of extermination or prejudice. Israel has no desire for land or conquest yet its existence is an affront to the Islamic world, which does want the Khalifa.

Whilst the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, Turkey and the rest of the Muslim world regurgitate historical and false hatreds against the Jews (some of which may even have made Goebels blush, but which are easily available on the internet), and the mainstream lazy media revise even current history in the West, there is no hope that the next few Muslim generations will be of a mind to reach a peace deal with what they view as descendants of apes and pigs. Obama’s clutching of this world view, as spouted in his Cairo address, made the revisionist tale legitimate to be quoted in polite circles.

In addition, in spite of the nice attempts by some to interpret the Koran in a less aggressive tone, the fact is that a simple reading and mainstream understanding does not permit an eternal peace with a non-Muslim people who have re-conquered their homeland, because it once was conquered by a Muslim army. And especially no peace with cursed Jews. The Koran claims the ultimate superiority of Islam, and if you believe this to be a book of the prophet of Allah, then it is not open to challenge or change. Islam is only about 1300 years old, and when Christianity was that age, its adherents were rampaging across the globe murdering and pillaging all those who were not of their belief. Today, Islam has access to better weapons. Peace will come when Islam matures enough and sees that if it is to achieve the Khalifa, this will not be done merely by vanquishing non-believers through destruction, even though this has worked well in the past. In the same way that after 2,000 years, Christianity has just realized in the past few decades that persuasion rather than force is the way forward, so does Islam need to make that conclusion. Hopefully, Islam will not need another 700 years.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Kim Jong-Il's Fascist Fashion Plate.

The official website of North Korea has reported that the trademark suit sported by North Korean leader Kim Jong-il is now in fashion worldwide thanks to his greatness.

Hmm, I am not remotely a fashion expert, and therefore it is difficult for me to disagree with an unnamed French fashionista’s assessment of the Dear Leader’s chic sartorial elegance and the grace that is regularly draped about the manly frame of the Great General of North Korea.

However, I venture to suggest that the world is not following Kim Jong-Il’s fashion style, rather the world’s totalitarian states are following his “diplomatic” style. Kim Jong-Il has been copied by his terror supporting nuclear disciples of Iran and Syria, and others such as the Taliban in Pakistan/Afghanistan. They enter into spurious negotiations under the shadow of their threats, grab what they can and completely ignore the terms to which they have supposedly agreed, whilst still pursuing their real goals covertly. Clinton was left with a worthless piece of paper and atomic tests, whilst Obama is lurching the democratic world head first into more meaningless treaties with those who will not honour them. Obama even pressurises and punishes those democratic countries that fail to sign sufficiently self-defeating and historically inexact treaties with the anti-democratic forces that preach their destruction.

In the meantime, I look forward to seeing the Illustrious Golfer (11 holes-in-one in 1 round!) wear the Green Jacket of the Masters soon.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Et Tu Biden - With friends like this, Israel needs no enemies

In response to Joe Biden's visit to Israel and Ramallah, March 2010

Biden and Obama’s administration continue to insist that that they are some of the best friends of Israel, yet little is further from the truth, or more dangerous to Israel. Biden’s Senate voting record includes voting against US sanctions designed to hinder Iran’s quest for nuclear weapons. He voted against designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization, even though it is currently the biggest direct sponsor of global terror. Biden is on record as stating that he wants to deal with Iran in the same manner that the US dealt with North Korea. That diplomacy resulted in totalitarian North Korea building nuclear weapons.

If Jews were to be denied planning permission in the USA on land that they have legally purchased simply because they are Jews, then the US government would be dismayed by such discrimination and take action. Sadly, Joseph Biden, the self-proclaimed friend of Israel who voted in the US Senate against sanctions designed to hinder Iran’s quest for nuclear weapons, has launched an international outcry because Jews wanted planning permission for their property in Jerusalem, the capital of their historic homeland.

Obama has had the current US administration adopt a “narrative” to the Mid-East that is at odds with the actual events we have lived through in the past 40 years. The acts of Biden and Obama encouraging the development of real existential threats to Israel, and ultimately the Jewish people, by tyrannical regimes cannot be considered friendly. Caesar was murdered by Senators led by his avowed close friend, Brutus. If Israel’s leaders choose to listen to a warped ex-Senator, they too may soon be saying, “et tu Biden”.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Joe Pants' record speaks for itself. It surely does.

This one is for residents of Toronto, and those that laugh at Torontonians from its suburbs. It is also for those who don't believe that micro-governmental ideological parameters should be strictly enforced when they diminish the quality of life in a city.

Deputy Mayor of Toronto, Joe Pantalone, has launched his bid to become Mayor of the City by saying "my record speaks for itself” and I agree with him. During the years of the Deputy's “Miller Time” we have seen spending like drunken sailors. They brought Toronto residents huge property tax increases, payments for a garbage collection service that becomes ever more reduced, intermittent and bureaucratic, and which was previously paid for in the property tax. they gave us Land Transfer Tax taking 2% of the proceeds of home sales in Toronto which was an act that stopped property sales and values dead in their tracks, and drove purchasers into the suburbs beyond the City thus resulting in a static taxable population. A tax on plastic bags in stores, a tax on billboards and many many more indirect taxes...

Traffic flow in the City was decimated, along with the destruction of a number of businesses to accommodate the building of a tram/streetcar right-of-way on a major artery. That project was returned over-budget and over-time, with some of the tram tracks being unusable because they were too crooked. The City’s planners have been instructed to create congestion in order to force the bad citizens of Toronto off the roads and onto public transport. However, the subway system removed parking for monthly subscribers who now have to pay twice the price of the monthly pass to park in the same spaces. There have also been fare increases on the subway at more than quadruple the rate of inflation. The City's councillors have been unable to reach deals with unions that are fair both to Toronto’s employees and to taxpayers, leading to a strike and no public service, for absolutely no apparent purpose.

Joe Pants has been Deputy Mayor as Toronto’s debt has more than doubled in a mere 6 years to $2.8 Billion.

During this period the City has accomplished…er… Nuit Blanche (an all night modern art festival), appointing the radical Dionne Brand as Toronto’s poet laureate, Pan-Am Games in 2015 (not the Olympics), Winterlicious (restaurants give cheap deals to fill spaces),…

Oh yes, Mr. Pantalone, your record does indeed speak for itself.