Thursday, June 12, 2008

42 days Out of Jail Free Card

The terrorists now know that they only have to hold out for 42 days and then they will go free, with Cherie Blair and her entertainment friends waiting to spring them and give bail monies (e.g. Vanessa Redgrave). The soft talkers are happier to let terrorist attacks take place, and claim that this is more important in protecting liberty, rather than monitor society and halt the traitors and their support enablers. Anyone can monitor me, because I am not conspiring to commit murder. What about the liberties of those who want to live in a free democratic society and who do not seek to maim and murder those who hold different views? What about the liberties of those who seek to defend themselves from terrorism, and who are now being criticised for not allowing themselves to be given an ultimatum of surrender or die? This reduction to 42 days from what the police sought on the very day after a terrorist's wife is being locked up for allowing his dastardly attempt to proceed. We should hold them until they give up actionable intelligence, and only then think about giving them common criminal rights. These are not common criminals that the Act is aimed at.

Talking about freedoms that grandparents fought for? How many of the terrorists' forefathers were on the side of freedom in WWII? Why was the Grand Mufti in Berlin at the side of Adolf during WWII? The terrorists have been on the side of fascists and totalitarianism throughout history, and they continue to be.

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