Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Peace in our time

Recently, good people have been asking how they can solve the Arab-Israeli conflict and what compromises can be had from both sides in order for this to happen. My melancholy assessment is that there will be no peace in our time, but the only peace process that may succeed is via time and a change in the appetite for oil resources.

A Jewish state without Jerusalem and access to their holy sites in Judea and Samaria is meaningless, and so Israel cannot give away its core meaning without it fading away as a Jewish state. The Arab world know this, and it is why they have suddenly started screeching for Jerusalem as a new capital of a never before existent country, when for centuries after its conquest by Islam, it was not even a major city. It is why Sikh, Buddhist, Christian and Hindu places of worship have been destroyed, built on or taken over and converted to mosques when Islam has conquered a nation. We are at the stage of history that if Israel is destroyed, then Judaism will disappear and never to arise again. The Islamic world knows this, and seeks it. It is not that there is a need for another corrupt Arab Islamic theocratic tyranny peopled by the descendents of emigrants from Syria, Iraq, (Trans)Jordan and Lebanon in the 1930’s and 1940’s. From the Islamic side of things, this is a religious war, and is simply about eradicating Judaism before moving onto Christianity.

Thus, the only way peace will eventually descend is for Israel to survive until oil ceases to be the critical factor in the world’s manufacturing and transport mechanisms. This may take up to 200 years, and will involve surviving increasingly desperate attempts to destroy Israel as the Arab and Muslim world lash out before their resource influence wanes. Once this blinding factor disappears, then those right-thinking persons without anti-Semitic prejudice will see the argument for what it truly is. The core is that the Islamic world wants to destroy Israel, and Jews simply want to survive in their homeland without threat of extermination or prejudice. Israel has no desire for land or conquest yet its existence is an affront to the Islamic world, which does want the Khalifa.

Whilst the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, Turkey and the rest of the Muslim world regurgitate historical and false hatreds against the Jews (some of which may even have made Goebels blush, but which are easily available on the internet), and the mainstream lazy media revise even current history in the West, there is no hope that the next few Muslim generations will be of a mind to reach a peace deal with what they view as descendants of apes and pigs. Obama’s clutching of this world view, as spouted in his Cairo address, made the revisionist tale legitimate to be quoted in polite circles.

In addition, in spite of the nice attempts by some to interpret the Koran in a less aggressive tone, the fact is that a simple reading and mainstream understanding does not permit an eternal peace with a non-Muslim people who have re-conquered their homeland, because it once was conquered by a Muslim army. And especially no peace with cursed Jews. The Koran claims the ultimate superiority of Islam, and if you believe this to be a book of the prophet of Allah, then it is not open to challenge or change. Islam is only about 1300 years old, and when Christianity was that age, its adherents were rampaging across the globe murdering and pillaging all those who were not of their belief. Today, Islam has access to better weapons. Peace will come when Islam matures enough and sees that if it is to achieve the Khalifa, this will not be done merely by vanquishing non-believers through destruction, even though this has worked well in the past. In the same way that after 2,000 years, Christianity has just realized in the past few decades that persuasion rather than force is the way forward, so does Islam need to make that conclusion. Hopefully, Islam will not need another 700 years.

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