Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Mr. McGuinty's Goat Racism in Ontario

I am saddened that so many normally sensible and politically correct residents of Ontario have been misled by the hyprocritcal McGinty’s subtle and calculated racism. The Ontario Liberals will win the provincial election upon the divisive faith based issue. This is unfortunate because it is not that those children attending faith based schools are to be segregated from society. There are reportedly 53,000 children already in Ontario attending these schools, and the logical conclusion of the critics’ arguments must be that these children are already divisive in our society. Frankly, those who wish to have nothing to do with the province’s curriculae and standards will continue to fund their children’s education privately. Unfortunately, denying equal funding sends a message to the 53,000 children and their communities that they are not equal in this society.

Utilizing dubious historical reasoning , the Liberal government has determined that only Roman Catholic children are to be allowed faith based support, and that choosing to raise children in any other religion is a privilege not to be encouraged. Just because a practice is historically based and biaseddoes not mean it is right, otherwise women would still be waiting for the vote.

It is not faith based schools that are suffering murder, shootings, stabbings , gang violence and bullying on epidemic scales that require government initiatives and intervention. Whatever values are being instilled in faith based schools would seem to produce better students and citizens than those of the public system.

From personal experience, having attended both private and public schools, the private school was demonstrably active in terms of outreach to the greater community. It encouraged interaction with all other schools in joint ventures, charitable enterprises and for students to be active in support of their sports or causes. Public school was very insular and sought only to satisfy the meager government standards.

Simply put, parents or guardians are being denied the ability not to pay twice for faith based schooling. If you think this is fair, then vote Liberal. If you like being lied to about additional taxation, then vote Liberal. . If you think that you can believe McGinty about anything at all, then vote Liberal. If not, vote Conservative.

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