Monday, July 9, 2007

Alan Johnston deserved what he got

Alan Johnston was a BBC reporter kidnapped by Gazan terrorists. The first words out of Alan Johston's mouth when freed were more succour for terrorists. It is absolutely disgusting the level of efforts made on behalf of a supporter of terrorism. Soon we will be treated to his life story in print, a musical and a TV special admiring what a brave soul he is, even though the Palestinian Information Minister has thanked him for his promotion of their cause. In other words, he was a biased puppet revised the history that we have lived through, and know to be false. He was pro-terrorist in his reporting before he was kidnapped, and after the event, he seems to be even more in favour of their evil. Why did the BBC allow someone so naive, stupid or warped to be their reporter in the midst of the theologic madmen? Do we really need to pay the BBC to garner support for the creation of yet another sharia law Islamic tyranny? Don't we already have plenty of those causing problems everywhere they are. Hope he goes back to live in Gaza, because that he what he deserves. Shameful.

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