Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Evil of Photo Radar - Smile for the Speed Camera

The pervasive nature of photo radar/speed cameras in British society has had a terribly adverse effect on the quality of life in the UK.

It harms traffic flow, not only in London, but in all provincial cities, and even many villages across the UK. Photo radar has led to constant gridlock and higher pollution levels from crawling traffic, which includes public transport belching out heavy diesel fumes. The UK public transport system is dirty, dangerous and expensive, and in all cities but the central areas of London, it is inconveniently situated. Photo radar also leads to many accidents because drivers slam their brakes on at the last second to avoid breaching the archaic artificially low limits.

There are myriad stories in the UK of people receiving multiple tickets several weeks after the time of the alleged crimes for travelling back and forth on the same stretch of road in good conditions and which they know well. Often the reports involve being a mere 4 mph over the speed limits which are in effect but which were mandated in the 1950s, when cars had less adequate brakes, control, vision and protection than today. These “crimes” have led to immediate bans from driving, and with the tickets being received several weeks after the alleged crimes, the drivers have had no opportunity to adjust their habits to avoid penalty. Increased insurance premiums then go in the pockets of insurance companies for these victimized drivers. It

A large percentage of the police force in the UK have retreated to being bureaucrats sending out paperwork from offices, rather than being out on the streets. Thus, stolen car crime, drink driving and joy riding continue unabated. Never mind all the other crime which cannot be adequately policed.

It is simply wrong to say that speed alone kills. Bad driving kills, and there are campaigns that governments would be better advised to mount, such as teaching drivers to signal before turning, leave a bigger space between moving vehicles and absolutely no alcohol or drugs permitted. A zero tolerance response to ancient speed limits is a cash grab.

Until you have experienced the grind of taking at least 45 minutes to travel 3 miles every day, and the impact it has on all society and terms of lost time, stress and road rage, you cannot begin to realize the decline in lifestyle that accompanies photo radar.

Once again, all drivers and environmentalists should act to prevent the implementation of these pernicious machines.

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